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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Hawai'i briefs

Kaua'i official takes U.S. post

LIHU'E, Kaua'i — County finance director Wallace Rezentes Jr. has left his position to join the federal Transportation Security Agency at Lihu'e Airport.

Deputy finance director Eugene Jimenez will replace him for the remainder of Mayor Maryanne Kusaka's term, which ends Dec. 1.

Rezentes is the second member of Kusaka's cabinet to take a position with the new airport agency, after former county public information officer Beth Tokioka.

Grace Chapel seeks permit

The city Department of Planning and Permitting is reviewing a conditional use permit application from Grace Chapel for its recently purchased Maunalua Bay Tennis Club on Kalani-ana'ole Highway near the 'Aina Haina Shopping Center.

Grace Chapel plans to turn the club into a church for its 80 to 100 members, adding a 1,000-square-foot chapel to the existing facilities.

A public hearing has been scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Oct. 28 at the city's Human Resources conference room on City Hall grounds.

Anyone wishing to comment should call 527-5754 and submit comments before the hearing.

Wal-Mart plans project briefing

Representatives from Wal-Mart, which plans a 24-hour store and Sam's Club on the "Ke'eaumoku superblock" will meet with residents at 6:30 p.m. today at Makiki Christian Church, 829 Pensacola St.

Residents in the area mauka of Kapi'olani Boulevard have expressed concerns that the retail operation will bring noise, pollution and increased traffic.

The meeting is sponsored by City Council member Ann Kobayashi, Rep. Scott Sakai, Sen. Carol Fukunaga and Rep. Ken Hiraki.

Wal-Mart representatives are expected to present their traffic study and revised plans for the project, which includes two 150,000-square-foot stores and a four-story parking structure with 1,700 stalls.

The design team also will discuss changes it is making in response to concerns previously expressed by the community.

OHA candidates debate tonight

Candidates for the single seat to represent O'ahu in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will take part in a live TV debate tonight as part of the "Vote! 2002: Candidates Debate" series sponsored by 'Olelo Community Television.

The debate will air from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Oceanic Channel 54 and Oceanic Digital Control.

Participating will be Louis Agard, Dante Carpenter, Tony Chang, Leona Kalima, Orrin Kupau, M. Kehaulani Rezentes, Charles Rose and Marion Shim.