UH parking rates subject of hearings
By Beverly Creamer
Advertiser Education Writer
Hefty proposed hikes in parking rates primarily for employees at the University of Hawai'i over five years will be scrutinized in public hearings authorized yesterday by the UH Board of Regents.
To cover rising expenses, repairs and renovations in existing structures, the university is looking at increasing employee parking rates to $612 annually by 2008. The current annual rate is $420.
The increases would begin in 2004 fiscal year.
Additionally, under the proposed increases, executive appointees would pay a premium of 25 percent; while those with a reserved space would pay an extra 50 percent.
By contrast, the proposal suggests a 2 percent increase in student parking rates each year for the next five years. Students pay $134 per semester to use the parking garage in the lower campus.
The rate increases are generally comparable to other parking rate levels in Honolulu, according to university administrators.
Along with the increases, the university plans to beef up its bus pass subsidy program to add 300 passes to offer students alternatives to driving. As well, there are plans to add more secure bicycle storage facilities. The plan calls for adding 10 new bike racks a year as well as six new lockers that accommodate two bikes apiece.
The proposal also calls for creating new parking areas on campus, improving existing areas and adding shuttle information signs and benches at bus stops.
The university is in the process of completing planning and design for a new 273-stall, three- to four-floor parking structure on the gravel parking lot near the Center for Hawaiian Studies. The structure, to cost $3.8 million, will provide parking for students who commute as well as those who live in the dorms. Dates and times have not yet been set for the public hearings.
Reach Beverly Creamer at bcreamer@honoluluadvertiser.com or 525-8013.