Tag No. 10003
Here is an attractive female cat who is as big as she is beautiful. Just 9 months old, Tigger will grow just a bit more. She has a blazing white coat of soft fur with patches of warm beige. Tigger would prefer to be an indoors-only cat.
Tag No. 17325
Six months old Galaxy is a big, bashful puppy who needs a family to love. She gets along well with calm people and most other dogs. Obedience training is recommended for this rotweiller mix that will grow tall and strong. Dog adopters go home with free gifts during October.
The Hawaiian Humane Society & McInerny Dog Park, at 2700 Wai'alae Ave., are open noon to 8 p.m., Mondays-Fridays; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekends and holidays. The incoming animals area always is open. If you've lost or found an animal, call the humane society immediately at 946-2187, ext. 285, or see