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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Friday, September 6, 2002


Coming up


•Ongoing — Lokahi Ki-Aikido Adult Classes. At Jodo Mission. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Call for times. Fee: $25 a month. Information: Adrian 677-1763.

•Ongoing — Lokahi Ki-Aikido Child Classes. At Waipahu Rec Center. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Call for times. Fee: $15 a month. Information: Adrian 677-1763.


• Sept. 24 — 2nd Annual Madskillz Basketball Tournament begins. At Wahiawa Gym. Games will be played on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Entry Fee: $200. Information: Mark Talaeai 226-6985 or talaeais001@hawaii.rr.com.

• Sept. 14 — 6-1 and under League begins. At 'Aiea District Park. Games will be played on Saturday mornings. Information: John 864-3025.

• Sept. 21 — Men's Open League begins. At Kailua District Park. Games will be played on Saturday nights. Information: John 864-3025.


• Sundays — Honolulu Polo Club Season. Games 2:30 p.m. every Sunday through Oct. 13. At Waimanalo Field located opposite Bellows Field. General Admission $3, children 12-younger are free.


• Oct. 19 — Hawai'i Women's Rodeo Association, All Girls Rodeo. At Barbers Point Riding Stables. Starting at 9 a.m. Information: Lu Faborito, 455-6686.


• Sundays — Honolulu Marathon Clinic. 7:30 a.m. every Sunday except for three-day weekends. Kapi'olani Park across Paki Hale at 3833 Paki Ave. Informational talk about marathon training and related subjects followed by group training runs. Free. Information: 531-9930.

• Sunday — The Rosie Wall Memorial 5K Run and Walk. At the Kailua Recreation Center. Fee: $30 (15-older) and $15 (14-younger). Information: 261-6449 evenings or 532-5880 weekdays, cwall@aloha.net.

• Sunday — Hawai'i Children and Youth Foundation First Annual 5K Fun Run. At Kapi'olani Park. 7 a.m. start, Honolulu Marathon/bandstand finish. Information and registration forms, 394-5665 or the Running Room, 737-2422.

• Sept. 21 — Deadline for third annual Niketown 5K Run & Kids Run, Race on Oct. 6, at 7 a.m. Start and finish at Niketown Honolulu. Fee: $10 for 18-younger. $15 for 19-older. Kids run 12-younger at Fort DeRussy Park (1-mile run). Fees are donated to help fund O'ahu school athletic programs and play equipment. Information: 943-6453.

• Sept. 29 — 8th annual Susan G. Komen Hawai'i Race for the Cure. At Kapi'olani Park. 5-kilometer race, 7:30 a.m.; 1-mile walk, 7:45 a.m. Registration is $18 ($15 each if five entries are mailed together), $25 after Sept. 20 ($22 each if five entries are mailed together). Details in Hawai'i Race Magazine or by calling at 973-5967. Information online at www.raceforthecurehawaii.org.

• Oct. 28 — Deadline for Friends of Kailua High School 5K Fun Run and Walk. Start at Kailua High School Gym, 7 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3. Proceeds go the Kailua High School Computer Academy. Fee: $18 with t-shirt, $10 without. Information: Ann Higashi 266-7900 or Ed Kemper 524--0330.


• Tomorrow-Sunday — Pool Play Softball Tournament. At Barbers Point. Open to first 10 teams. Fee: $200/team. Information: Ken Cayaso 255-6307 or 696-8017.

• Monday — Men's Softball League. At Kanewai Field. All ages. Information: Chuck King 536-8858.

• Sept. 13-15 — End of Summer Softball Slam. At Central O'ahu Regional Park. Double elimination. 24 team limit. Fee: $200. Information: Jon Fujiwara 222-0560 or Daryl Kogasaka 530-6826.

• Sept. 15 — Deadline for Softball Conditioning Exercise Lessons. For ages 12-18. Drills run from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Oct. 6, 13, 20, and 27. Includes plyometrics, medicine ball, and hand-eye coordination. Fee: $125. First 30 applicants. Information: Dean or Dickie 847-4219.

• Sept. 20-22, Oct. 11-13, 13-15 — Triple Crown Slowpitch Softball Series. For men, women, and mixed teams at Central O'ahu Regional Park. Fee: $225 per team (supply own balls). Information: Bill Pilcher at Bill@triplecrownsports.com.


•Sept. 23 — Deadline for 18th Annual Maui Roughwater Swim. Race held Sept. 29. 1.7 mile course, from Keawekapu Beach to Polo Beach. All proceeds will benefit the Teens on Call Employment Training Opportunity Program. Fee: $15 before Sept. 23. Late registration $20. Information: Janet Renner 573-8656 or www.mastersswimmaui.org.


• Oct. 30 — Pflueger Honda Mountainman Triathlon deadline. At Kualoa Ranch, Nov. 9. 500-meter swim, a 20-kilometer mountain bike ride and a 5-kilometer trail run. Fee: $50 for individual, $70 per relay team. After Oct. 30, registration $55 and $75, respectively. Information: www.bocahawaii.com or 737-8985.


• Today — Volleyball Registration. At Mililani District Park. Girls and boys, ages 7-15. Sept. 6, 2 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Information: 623-5258.

• Sept. 14 — Start of adult league for men and women. At West O'ahu Family YMCA, Mililani Branch, 95-1190 Hikikaulia St. League runs to Nov. 16. Fees: $20 (per person) or $160 (team of 8). Information: Scott Gillespie 625-1040, ext. 242.

• Through December — Asics Rainbow Volleyball Clinics for Girls. Fee: $35 per session. Information: 372-1012 or LuisAsicsHI@aol.com.



• Umpires needed for Pearl City Little League games for 2002-03 season. For information, call Merv at 456-4797.

Flag Football

• P.A.L. (Police Activities League) looking for referees for flag football in town area. Need to be available Sat. or Sun. Will pay up to $12 per game. For information, call Shawn Peterson 529-3318.


• AC Honolulu Soccer Club. Looking for U-13 and U-14 girls (born between 8/1/88 & 7/31/90) interested in playing HYSA's 2002-2003 seasonal year. Information: Jorge Barbosa 734-6721 or 473-8000 ext. 3453 or jorge@achonolulu.com.

• Wizards Boys Soccer Team. Looking for U-11 boys for HYSA's 2002-2003 seasonal year. Independent team consisting of players in the Mililani/Pearl City area. Information: Shawn Ouchi 623-4211.

• National Soccer Academy NSA '89. Looking for girls to play in HYSA Spring 2003 season. Training at Kapi'olani Park. Information: Marc T. Maehara 255-6020 or mmaehara52@aol.com

Getting listed
To have your event included in upcoming sports notices, please write to:|
Sports Notices
c/o Advertiser Sports
P.O. Box 3110
Honolulu, HI 96802

You can also fax your information to (808) 525-5491 or e-mail it to: sports@honoluluadvertiser.com.

Preference is given to nonprofit organizations and special recreational events. Participation fees and deadlines must be included. Club information is accepted, space does not permit publication of private class/instruction offerings.