Community Calendar
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SEN. HIRAM L. FONG EXHIBIT, noon to 6 p.m., University of Hawai'ii Manoa, Hamilton Library; free; showcase of memorabilia from his campaigns, important legislative issues, student days at UH, books donated and congressional papers. 956-6172.
NATIONAL ADULT DAY SERVICES WEEK: To tour an adult day service center in your area, call Audrey Nakagawa, 832-6112, or consult
FRIENDS OF SABEEL MEETING with Dr. Saleem Ahmed, Muslim leader, professor and author of "Beyond the Veil and Holy War: Islamic Teachings and Muslim Practices with Biblical Comparisons," book signing and slide show, "The Universality of God," 7 p.m., First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, 1516 Kewalo St., Makiki; book discount to Friends of Sabeel attendees. 521-3500.
TRAVELOUGE by Lene Knuppel on Denmark and Greenland, 10 to 11 a.m., Central Union Church Senior Center, women's building, Punahou and S. Beretania streets, Makiki; free parking. 941-0957.
MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER, orientation sessions, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays through Oct. 1, Executive Centre, 1088 Bishop St., Suite 2506; free. 521-6221.
AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM for drivers 55 and older, noon to 4 p.m. today and next Tuesday, Kaiser Honolulu Clinic, Pensacola and Young Streets; $10 fee. 432-2260.
AMERICAN RECORDER SOCIETY meeting, 7:15 p.m., Academy Art Center, 1111 Victoria St. 988-4534.
EMERGENCY EVACUATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, seminar by Gordon Anthony, compliance officer, Los Angeles County, 1 to 3:30 p.m., Japanese Cultural Center, Manoa Grand Ballroom, 2454 S. Beretania St.; $10 fee. 586-8121. or
FREE QIGONG SEMINAR with Master Teacher Limin Song, 6 to 7:30 p.m., McCullyiMo'ili'ili Public Library, 2211 S. King St. 941-9707.
KAKO'O 'OHANA PA'AHAO, support/activity group for families of current or former inmates, ex-inmates and community members who want positive change; 6:30 p.m., Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, 1300 Halona St. 847-1302.
Weekly vigil for PEACE AND JUSTICE, 4 to 6 p.m., Prince Kuhio Federal Building, 'ewa side, 1300 Ala Moana; bring ti leaves or wear green ribbons; signs provided.
HAWAI'I SOCIETY OF ENROLLED AGENTS meeting, 7:15 a.m., Pacific Club, 1451 Queen Emma St.; attendees earn one hour continuing education credit. 671-5676.
GET THE DRIFT AND BAG IT litter pickup, 8:30 a.m. to noon: Ulehawa Beach Park I, Wai'anae; Poka'i Bay Beach Park, meet at comfort station; Kea'au Beach Park, meet at comfort station; Kaneana (Makua) Cave.
ADOPTIVE AND FOSTER FAMILIES needed for preteens and teens; comprehensive services provided; call Casey Family Programs. 521-9531.
FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAM OF HAWAI'I seeks volunteers to provide literacy services to Kalihi/Palama public housing residents. Training provided. 842-0303.
FRIENDS OF HE'EIA HALLOWEEN CARNIVALl needs help organizing the event 5 to 9 p.m. Oct. 26. 247-3156.
HAWAI'I JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ages 12 to 39 needed for service projects; Pete, 779-7383.
HAWAI'I NATURE CENTER volunteer docents needed, fall through December, four morning hours one day weekly; teach environmental education to visiting elementary school groups outdoors; Makiki, 'Ewa and Tantalus sites. 955-0100, ext. 18.
HAWAI'I STATE ART MUSEUM needs volunteer docents, education assistants, gallery attendants, information kiosk attendants and special-event coordinators. 586-0304.
2002 HAUNTED HOUSE to benefit the American Diabetes Association seeks organizations to volunteer 22 members nightly for four dates between Oct. 18 and Nov. 2; host mall in greater Honolulu also needed; call Mike Ching. 836-1800.
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION needs help with fund raising and special events on O'ahu, Maui, Kaua'i and Hawai'i. Call Czarina, 548-0588.
NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION needs volunteers for clerical tasks; call Sharon. 589-5922.