Coming Events
Advertiser Staff
Changes in Waikiki — especially the ambitious Outrigger Hotel and Resorts' Waikiki Beach Walk development for the Lewers-Kalia area — will be the focus of two upcoming discussions:
• "The Changing Face of Waikiki" — including planned developments, the success of Honolulu's first designated Business Improvement District and the return of residential neighborhoods — will be discussed by Rick Egged, head of the Waikiki Improvement Association, at a breakfast forum of the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties. The meeting is scheduled from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Sept. 26 at The Pacific Club. Fee; nonmembers welcome; tickets available at the door. R.S.V.P.: Barbie Rosario, 845-4994.
• Outrigger's plans for its $300 million Waikiki Beach Walk project, which will transform 11 hotels and 3,100 rooms in the Lewers-Kalia area into an integrated hotel/retail/entertainment complex, will be outlined tomorrow at the dinner meeting of the Construction Specifications Institute. Eric J. Masutomi, director of planning for Outrigger Properties, will be the guest speaker at the Honolulu chapter's gathering, scheduled from 5:15 to 8 p.m. at The Plaza Club. The Outrigger project is said to be the largest construction undertaking in Waikiki in three decades. Fee; guests welcome; tickets at door. R.S.V.P.: 847-1862.
• The St. Francis Healthcare Foundation will hold two free seminars this week on "wealth preservation." The seminars, offering advice about taxes, real estate, insurance and charitable remainder trusts, will be from11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Plumeria Room of the Ala Moana Hotel and 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday in Conference Room C of the Weinberg Pavilion at St. Francis Medical Center. Registration: 547-6877.
• The MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER OF HONOLULU offers free weekly orientation sessions to minority business owners and prospective entrepreneurs. The sessions, scheduled 9 to 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday in the center's offices in Suite 2506 of the Executive Center, 1088 Bishop St., will offer advice on business startup, marketing plans, loans, employee handbooks and access to capital. Free. Reservations: 521-6221.
• "WOMEN AND INVESTING," a two-part seminar on financial empowerment presented by Salomon Smith Barney, will be offered 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in the Salomon Smith Barney conference room in Suite 2300, 1099 Alakea St. The session for Tuesday will be "Introduction to Financial Planning/Asset Allocation"; Thursday, "Choosing the Right Investment/Retirement Planning and Wealth Preservation."Free. Register: 543-0383.
• Free seminars on "INVESTING BASICS,", sponsored by the Edward Jones investment firm, are offered weekly from 6 to 7:30 p.m. through Oct. 1 in Suite 304, 1360 S. Beretania St. Information: 543-6034.
• Peter Apo, a consultant for the city on Waikiki issues and director of the Hawa'i Institute of Hospitality, will speak to the HAWAI'I HOSPITALITY SALES AND MARKETING ASSOCIATION. The association's monthly luncheon meeting at the Sheraton Moana Surfrider Hotel begins with 11:30 a.m. registration and ends at 1:30 p.m. The association says it is dedicated to responsible growth in the travel and tourism industry, particularly through sustainable "Culturalism," those components of ethnic heritage, arts and traditions that give special character to a place. Information: Kate, 538-3884.
• Four public relations professionals who made the leap from corporate practice to opening their own companies will discuss the challenges and their rewards during a luncheon panel discussion sponsored by the PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Panelists will be Eileen Mortenson, of Eileen Mortenson Public Relations; Mele Pochereva, of Mele Pochereva Public Relations; Sandy Van, of Van Communications; and Mona Wood, of Ikaika Communications. The event, in the 'Ewa Room of the Sheraton-Waikiki Hotel, will begin at 11:30 a.m.. R.S.V.P. by the close of business today. Fee; nonmembers and students welcome. Information: Debbie Robbins, 254-7570.
• A three-hour workshop, "MAINTAINING AND SUSTAINING YOUR BUSINESS: What Can Small Businesses Do to Stay on Track?", will be presented by John Yanagihara, managing partner of New England Financial, in partnership with the Hawai'i Women's Business Center, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Small Business Resource Center, 1041 Nu'uanu Ave. Among topics to be covered will be customer service, hiring, benefits. Fee. Reservations: Olive, 522-8136.
• "INVESTING FOR INCOME," a free seminar sponsored by the Edward Jones financial firm, will be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the company's offices in Suite 108A, 98-1247 Ka'ahumanu St., 'Aiea. Reservations: 487-1800.
• A free "FINANCIAL WORKSHOP FOR INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS," sponsored by the Edward Jones financial firm, is scheduled from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday this week as well as on Sept. 19 and 20 and Sept. 26 and 27 the company's offices at 99-115 'Aiea Heights Drive #254. Reservations: 487-5066.
• The HONOLULU BUSINESS NETWORK, a networking opportunity for small-business owners and professionals, meets from 12:01 to 1:15 p.m. weekly at Sansei Seafood Restaurant, Restaurant Row. Call: Tracy Nakashima, 525-6028.
• Former city and state employees interested in learning how to "roll over" their deferred compensation plans are invited to a free retirement planning workshop, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, sponsored by the Edward Jones financial firm. The workshop will be at the Edward Jones offices in the Suite 603A, Medical Arts Building, 1010 S. King St. Registration: 591-8757.
• Gordon Anthony, a quadriplegic who helped Los Angles County develop emergency procedures to evacuate disabled people, will participate in a seminar from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the Manoa Grand Ballroom of the Japanese Cultural Center. Anthony has served as officer in charge of county compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The seminar, "Emergency Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities" is sponsored by the state Disability and Communication Access Board and Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center. Small fee. R.S.V.P. by today: 586-8121.
• The HAWAI'I SOCIETY OF ENROLLED AGENTS monthly meeting at The Pacific Club will begin at 7:15 a.m. Information: Herman Jordan, 671-5676.
• JAPAN-AMERICA SOCIETY OF HAWAI'I annual dinner, 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sept. 24, Sheraton-Waikiki Hotel, Kaua'i and Maui ballrooms. Coat and tie. Information: 524-4450.
• 2002 Parade of Homes, presented by Bank of Hawaii: Oct. 12 and 13, and 19 and 20, at various new home sites on O'ahu, Kaua'i and the Big Island. Information: Sonya Kimura, 847-4666 (#206).
Business meetings of general interest are listed in the "Coming Events" column each Monday. Submit notices at least two weeks in advance. By fax: 525-6763. By mail: Coming Events, Business Section, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802.