Ku'uleihiwa Ke'alanahele Kahealani AhQuin and Ku'uleimakamae Kahiau Kahealani AhQuin were born April 16 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Davenette Kahealani Souza and Karl Heinz AhQuin of Hale'iwa.
Devak Gregory Kawaimakaokalani Boneza-Solatorio was born July 10 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Jenny Jean Hanelei Boneza of Kailua and Gregory Noel Kawaimaka Solatorio of Honolulu.
Dylan Makoaluinai'kamoanaki'eki'e Casselton was born June 6 at Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center to Jessica and Jeff Casselton of Honolulu.
Taisamasama Freedom Kekoa Fautanu was born Aug. 5 at Tripler Army Medical Center to Ekela and Jewel Fautanu of Honolulu.
Benjamin Kiyoshi Green was born Aug. 13 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Melinda H. and Kenneth L. Green of Mililani.
Tasha Sadako Kanbe was born July 13 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Judy M. and Kel T. Kanbe of Kane'ohe.
Luke Larsen Tetsuya Kawabe was born June 18 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Janet and Bob Kawabe of Pearl City.
Haley Victoria Miguel was born Aug. 16 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Hayda and Randy Miguel of Waipahu.
Maya Leanne Miura was born Aug. 10 at The Queen's Medical Center to Edie and Michael Miura of Honolulu.
Michelle Grace Nevada was born June 15 at Mills-Peninsula Health Services in Burlingame, Calif., to Patricia and Victor Nevada of Kane'ohe.
Reye-Jean Mieko Nugal was born July 3 at Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center to Jaymee Nugal and Roland Corpuz of Wahiawa.
Emily Catherine Zeller was born May 16 at Tripler Army Medical Center to Tammy Zeller, formerly of Darlington, Wis., and Jeffrey R. Zeller, formerly of Bondurant, Iowa. They live in Kailua.