Tube Notes
By Mike Hughes
Gannett News Service
Tonight's Must-See:
"Ken Burns American Stories: The Statue of Liberty," 9 p.m., PBS. For 13 weeks, we'll see reruns of Ken Burns' great documentaries. Tonight is a look at the Statue of Liberty.
Of Note:
"Intimate Portrait," 7 p.m., Lifetime. For years, the Dixie Chicks made and sold their own records. When the trio finally landed a deal, it soared then accused the label of cheating. It new single ("Long Time Gone") and album, made without oversight from the label, is masterful. This documentary tells the story well.
"Third Watch" season opener, 8 p.m., NBC. Last season ended with New York reeling from a blackout and a riot. That continues tonight. Some moments are well done, others are overwrought.