Sports notices
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Coming up
Ongoing Lokahi Ki-Aikido Adult Classes. At Jodo Mission. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Call for times. Fee: $25 a month. Information: Adrian, 677-1763.
Ongoing Lokahi Ki-Aikido Children's Classes. At Waipahu Rec Center. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Call for times. Fee: $15 a month. Information: Adrian, 677-1763.
Tomorrow Project Hope Basketball Clinic. At Kane'ohe District Park Gym. Grades 7-12, 7:30-9:30 a.m., fee: $15. Grades 6 and below, 9:30-10:30 a.m., fee: $10. Information: 233-7308.
May 2 'Aiea Basketball League. Friday nights. Fee: $375. Information: Jerry Goode, 488-4478 (home), 781-4836 (cell), 537-5619 (work).
Monday Deadline for the Hui Kokua Kolepa Vulcan Tournament for the University of Hawai'i-Hilo golf team, April 19 at the Mauna Lani South course, 1 p.m. shotgun start. Fee: $150 per player. Format: 18-hole stroke play. Information: Jim DeMello (808) 974-7543, Earl Tamiya (808) 974-7493 or Dennis Miyashiro (808) 935-2943.
Ongoing American Karate Kai Classes. At 'Ewa Beach Kamiloa Elementary School and 'Aina Haina Holy Nativity Chuch Gym. Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-7 p.m. Self-defense classes available for women. Information: Lee Donohue, 396-9297.
April 27 USA-NKF Regional Karate Championships. At Aliamanu Military Reservation Gym. Registration at 8:30 a.m., elimination at 9 a.m. Fee: preregistration, $15 per event; $20 at the door. Information: Joseph A. Bunch, 488-6372.
Sunday, also April 8, 12 AYSO Honolulu Region Fall Registration. April 6 at Stevenson Middle School cafeteria, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. April 8, at Ala Wai Golf Course clubhouse, 6-8 p.m. April 12, Manoa Elementary School cafeteria, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. For girls and boys born between Aug. 1, 1984, and Jan. 31, 1999. Fee: $55. Birth certificates required for new players. Information: Barbara, 737-8678 or
Monday, also April 12, 15, 26 AYSO 'Aiea Region 7 E 118 Fall Registration. At Pearlridge Elementary School. April 9 & 15: 6-8 p.m.; April 12 & 26: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $51-71. Information: 'Aiea AYSO Hotline, 486-0927.
April 16, 26 AYSO Mililani Region 119 Fall Registration. April 16, at Mililani District Gym, 6-8:30 p.m. April 26, Mililani Uka Elementary cafeteria, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. For girls and boys born between Aug. 1, 1984, and Jan. 31, 1999. Fee: $45, includes uniform and registration. Birth certificates required for new players. Information: Mary Gayle, 623-9848.
Today Deadline for 77th O'ahu Public Park Open Tournament, played April 12-13. At Diamond Head Tennis Center. Open to men and women, singles and doubles. Fee: $3.50 for singles and $5 per doubles team. Information: Don Andrews, 971-7150.
American Amateur Youth Baseball Alliance. Seeking players and coaches. If interested, go to and click on "All-Star Nationals" link. Information:
Kaimuki High School girls coach. Call 733-4924 or send a resume to Fred Lee, 2705 Kaimuki Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816.
Roosevelt High School coach. Person must be able to conduct practices and supervise tournaments during season. Send resume to Roosevelt High School c/o Athletics 1120 Nehoa St. Honolulu, HI 96822 or call the athletic department at 587-4626.
Nanakuli Hawks Football Association, Cheerleading Coaches, all divisions. Information: Jerry, 625-7130.
Coaches for Manoa Pop Warner. For players ages 8-15. Deadline is March 31. Information: 263-0140.
Officials for Hawai'i Football Officials' Association. Pop Warner through high school. Training classes start in May. No experience necessary. Information: Lloyd Hisaka, 956-3819 or e-mail
Getting listed
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Sports Notices
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