Art Calendar
| Hawai'i artist featured in print
Patricia Carelli Ebert, a Hawai'i Kai resident who recently exhibited large abstract paintings in her tenth solo show at Pauahi Tower Lobby Level Gallery on Bishop Street, will be featured in the April issue of the national publication Artist's Magazine. |
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Art of trash show, works created from recycled materials, opens Friday, runs through May 3; Queen Ka'ahumanu Center, Kahului, Maui. (808) 877-3369.
"Chic and Dandy: Contemporary Japanese Kimonos," from the collection of Hiromi Yonezawa, through today; Textile Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8901.
Honolulu Printmakers 75th Annual Exhibition, new works in a variety of print media juried by Hugh Merrill, through today; ground floor, Academy Art Center at Linekona; also "Print Fellowship Award Exhibition," works by Altamira (formerly Iris Stowe) and Joshua Tollefson, in the second floor gallery. 532-8743.
Honolulu Printmakers 75th Anniversary Exhibition, featuring limited-edition gift prints and archival works, through today during the run of "Romance, Romance"; Diamond Head Theatre Art Gallery. 733-0274.
"Chaos Theory," experimental show of four artists, Kandi Everett, Ryan Higa, Cade Roster and Noe, responding and reacting to each other's art over the past four weeks, through Saturday; workspace. 732-2300.
(listed in closing date order)
"Probing Realities," paintings by Sidney Yee, through April 13, Graphic Arts Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!" collection of Kawase Hasui's doll prints, through April 13, Michener Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
8th Annual International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition, small-scale multimedia works from around the world, through April 17; UH-Manoa Art Gallery in the Art Building. 956-6888.
"New Work Paper, Linen, Wood," exhibit on current events in the wake of 9/11 by fiber artist Reiko Mochinaga Brandon, through April 17; Koa Gallery, Kapi'olani Community College. 734-9375.
"The Mechanics of Motion," metal castings by Corinne Kamiya, glass and metal works by Jason Minami and ceramics by Daniel Rosen, extended through April 19; The ARTS at Marks Garage. 521-2903.
"Mixed Plate," watercolors and pastels by Helen C. Iaea; "Beads+Fibers=Wearable Art," necklaces by Barbara Edelstein; and "Objects of Subjectivity," works in fiber by Jee-un Kim, all through April 25; the Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
"Journey from the heart," watercolor paintings by Haunani Bush, through April 25; bibelot gallery. 738-0368.
"Masterpieces of Chinese Lacquer," works from the Song (11th century) through the Ming (17th century) periods, from the collection of Mike Healy, through April 27; Asian Exhibition Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"My Favorite Things in Hawaii" exhibition of the winning photographs in the Canon Amateur Photo Contest 2003, through April 29; Canon Gallery. 522-5930.
"Night Blooming Cereus," recent acrylics by Vel Tong, through April 30; Ko'olau Gallery at Manoa Marketplace. 988-4147.
Hawaiian Nature Photography by Steven Springel, through April 30; Tradewinds Gallery at Windward Mall. 236-2787.
(listed in closing date order)
"Hawaiian Adventure," photographs by David Foss, through April 14; Bogart's Cafe on Monsarrat. 739-0999.
Watercolors and Mixed Media Works by Lidia Coleman and Wendy Hickey, through April 17; Fountain Courtyard, Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center.
Art by Doug Young, paintings, mixed media and cibochrome photographs, through April 18; Laser Eye Center of Hawaii, Pan Am Building. 946-6000.
2nd annual art exhibit, oils of old Hawaiian sceneries and seascapes by Leo Laxa, through April 18; Lobby Gallery, Pauahi Tower. 533-4310.
"Paper & Pin," a multimedia exhibit by Virginia Beer using found objects, through April 18; the Gallery, Coffeeline Campus Coffeehouse, Atherton YMCA. 389-1581.
"The first blossom," recent works by Kimi Werner, through April 25, opening reception 5-7 p.m. Tuesday; Caf Che Pasta. 524-0004.
Hawaii Watercolor Society Members Exhibit, through April 26, opening 5-7 p.m. Thursday; Ground Level, Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center.
"The Art of Jewelry," African trade and amber pieces by Carol Price, beaded art by Gillian van Royen and dichroic glass jewelry by Jane Metcalf, through April 28; the Gallery and Gardens, Kane'ohe. 239-8146.
paintings by mark Brown and Scottie Flamm, through April 30; Atelier 4 Fine Art Gallery, Davies Pacific Center. 524-3552.
Spring Art Show, works by Thea Love, Larry Lovett, Joan Himelblau, Linda Shea and John Ilnicki, through April 30; Waialua Library. 637-8286.
"Christ Pantocrator," contemporary view of the classic religious genre by Bahja, extended through April 30; Superconnected at Nu'uanu Shopping Plaza. 528-1337.
Registration for Summer art classes, 2003 summer session for keiki at the Academy Art Center at Linekona runs June 10-17. Registration begins Wednesday, for classes for students in grades K-12. Call for schedule and tuition information. 532-8741.
Send announcements to Island Life, Art Calendar, Honolulu Advertiser P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax 525-8055; or e-mail with "Art Cal" in the subject line.