Posted on: Sunday, April 6, 2003
Something worth reading and recycling
On O'ahu alone, we pump out about 1.6 million tons of it each year.
Garbage, rubbish, 'opala, trash, call it what you will, it is the inevitable end product of a society that grows, buys and consumes.
The task, of course, is in deciding what to do with our refuse. And as recent news stories about our rapidly filling landfills and at-capacity garbage-to-energy plant, this is no academic exercise.
Tucked into today's Sunday Advertiser is a colorful 31-page supplement that details just about everything you might want to know about how the City and County of Honolulu handles its garbage, er, challenge. There's information about everything from the new recycling program to the fanciful "Tour de Trash" set for November.
Take a look. Trash, to steal someone else's phrase, is everyone's business.