Facts about the war
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| Students show support for U.S. troops at war |
| U.S. airstrike targets Saddam and his family |
| Drums may hold chemical weapons |
| Mission: Seize the palaces, 'don't ever let go' |
U.S. military: 91 dead, eight missing and seven captured
British military: 30 dead
Iraqi forces: Coalition commanders estimate that at least 3,000 Iraqi solders have been killed in the defense of Baghdad.
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Q & A
Q. What is sarin?
A. It is a toxic chemical developed in the 1930s by Nazi Germany as a pesticide. It is 500 times more toxic than cyanide, experts say. A drop can kill an average-size person. Sarin kills by paralyzing muscles around the lungs, suffocating the victim. It can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled as a gas. Because sarin is difficult and dangerous to make, experts say it's not a good weapon for unsophisticated terrorist groups to use. The U.S. government has stockpiles of sarin more than 5,000 tons stored nationwide. Russia has about 11,700 tons of sarin. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein approved a 1988 attack on a Kurdish city involving sarin and other chemical weapons; 5,000 people died.
"There is no presence of American infidels in the city of Baghdad, at all."
Mohammed Sahid Al Saha, Iraqi information minister
By the numbers
19 days since the war began
68.5 life expectancy of females in Iraq. It's 80.2 years for females in the United States
800 tanks Iraq had before the war. All but a "couple of dozen" have been destroyed or abandoned.
1,700 sorties flown by coalition aircraft in the past 24 hours
2,000 anti-war protesters who demonstrated about a mile from the castle where President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair held a summit yesterday
7,000 Iraqi prisoners of war
86,000 Iraqi prisoners of war in the 1991 Gulf War
274,000 number of men conscripted annually into military service in Iraq
The time
Iraq's time zone is 14 hours ahead of Hawai'i time.
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Persian Gulf weather
Tomorrow's forecast:
Baghdad Day: 93 degrees, partly cloudy. Night: 67 degrees.
Basra Day: 102 degrees, partly cloudy. Night: 74 degrees.
Kuwait City Day: 99 degrees, partly cloudy. Night: 73 degrees.
Unit spotlight
British 7th Armored Brigade
Basra woke up yesterday under British control after a raid led to a full-scale assault and swift occupation of Iraq's second-largest city. British commanders said their troops met only "limited resistance" from paramilitary fighters loyal to Saddam Hussein.
Home garrison: Hohne Garrison near Fallingbostel, Germany
Units: Part of the 1st Armored Division, the brigade is nicknamed "The Desert Rats" and includes the bulk of the armored units sent by the British Army.