Letters to the Editor
Affirmative action should be ended now
I was confused by your April 3 editorial on affirmative action. You start your editorial making some solid points. You stated that keeping affirmative action in its current state is discriminatory. You further stated that such discrimination fueled the civil rights movements.
Then for some reason you turn completely around and support affirmative action. Affirmative action is discrimination plain and simple. Certain minorities do come from less fortunate circumstances. But guess what? There are millions and millions of poor Caucasians out there as well.
I believe in giving a break to those less fortunate. Why not cut some slack to someone who can't afford certain things like higher education or similar things? But race should have nothing to do with it. When you punish anyone for being a certain race, you are guilty of discrimination and racism.
Affirmative action has run its course. It should be ended now.
Michael Young
Drop roundabout for Foster Village street
In these budget bullet-biting times (e.g., soon we will all be down to a single weekly refuse collection), we'd like to make the mayor and the City Council an offer they can't refuse: By simply abandoning the very ill-conceived idea of installing unnecessary traffic-calming devices on Haloa Drive in Foster Village, they could save hundreds of thousands of dollars.
If these devices are installed, the would-be speeders will just divert to the two streets running parallel to Haloa. These streets are not only narrower than Haloa, but children often play on them. In addition, we are very concerned as to how fire trucks would be able to safely and quickly navigate the proposed roundabouts and narrowed thoroughfare.
Within the last year, hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent to render Haloa Drive accessible for the disabled. Our understanding is that these newly installed ramps would have to be removed.
This is a no-brainer. Please, accept our "offer."
Randy and Naomi S. Ferreira
Second-grader's view on campus admirable
Regarding the March 24 letter from Kino Cajigal, a student at Makakilo Elementary School: Kino was asking that a UH-West O'ahu campus be constructed in his part of the island, to accommodate the residents on that side.
He noted that he wants to go to college when he grows up so he can get smarter and get a good job, and that if a campus is built there, more people will go to college and get smarter and get good jobs also.
Kino sounds like he's a pretty smart kid already for a second-grader a keiki who knows what he wants to do with his future. Good for him, and for all the children in Mrs. Nakamura's class at Makakilo Elementary.
If Kino runs for election in the future, I may just vote for him. I admire people with vision for the future and those who have concerns for others. He does. (Which is more than I can say for a lot of grown folks around here.)
Ardelle Robinson
'Hero' status doesn't fit Michael Moore
To call Michael Moore a "hero" is an injustice to the thousands of men and women of all colors and faiths who are fighting for our liberties and freeing a nation from oppressive and tyrannical rule.
It is very easy for celebrities to espouse their words against war; they are nothing but empty words. What have they done to protect us? Where will they be when the horrors from within that country are revealed as they are now starting to come out?
To say this is a war started by white power-hungry corporate executives shows a very short memory what about 9/11?
We tried diplomatic relations for 12 years, and we gave them plenty of time to prevent this. War is evil, but unfortunately, history has shown us that war has been launched over regimes and borders, especially in that section of the world, since the beginning of time.
I pray for an end to this war, but I also pray that big mouths like Michael Moore can keep their mouths shut publicly; do they really think it makes any difference to the war planners? It is divisive and hurts the morale of those deployed and those loved ones at home who need our support.
You want to do your patriotic duty and be a hero? Pray for a victory and then go over to Iraq when it is set free and help set up freedom in a country that will love you for liberating it. Then maybe "hero" may fit.
Wendy Thomas
U.N. should take over the rebuilding of Iraq
I am most concerned over the news that the U.S. government wants to be solely involved in the reconstruction of post-war Iraq. Haven't we done enough to alienate the rest of the world by being the biggest gun in the world? Enough. Stop it.
Step back and let the United Nations back in. The whole world needs healing.
By the way: What have we accomplished so far? Not one good thing that I can see. Saddam does not care if we kill his country's men, women and children and that is what we are doing. And all in the name of God? Huh?
Pamela Lightfoot
Cut state spending, don't increase taxes
Why are politicians exempt from using common sense?
A budget shortfall is announced, and the "solution" routinely championed nationwide by the liberal party is to raise taxes. Since the Hawai'i Legislature is monopolized by this tax-raising party, the same cure-all is reflexively offered locally.
Dare I suggest that spending be cut rather than raising taxes? Threats immediately are made that any cuts will first be made to critical services like health, education and public safety. Naturally, fraud, waste and underperforming departments shall be left unmolested.
Are you facing a pay cut and thinking of trying this strategy? Here's how it translates: Cancel Neighbor Island vacation ... make reservations for Australia; no more Spam and sandwiches ... go to Alan Wong's; exchange functional 32-inch TV for flat-screen 50-inch. A level-headed family member insists on spending cuts? Threaten to cut the electricity.
Why does it work for politicians but not mere mortals like us? Politicians can legally confiscate the fruits of another's labor to pay for their shenanigans.
Scott Moon
AJA soldiers taught us about duty, honor
I'd like to wish the families and the men of the 100th and 442nd the best on their 60th reunion. They are an inspiration to me and to a lot of Japanese Americans.
My Uncle Sadao was in Company F and was killed in Italy in 1944. He is the main reason I decided to serve in the military. He and the others of the 442nd showed me by their actions that sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.
I wish these men could be here for another 60 years because they could teach us so much more about duty, honor, country and sacrifice. Thank you for all you men have done for us and "Go For Broke."
Christian Ogawa
Lihu'e, Kaua'i
What's the matter with an all-male club?
It's amazing that Ellen Goodman can with a straight face say Augusta National Golf Club "has itself in a poor lie over its exclusion of women as members." She goes on and on to prove absolutely nothing and closes with an absurd suggestion that "such golfers as Sandra O'Connor or Nancy Lopez" receive letters of invitation.
What's the matter with an all-male club? For that matter, what's wrong with that good old all-female Junior League or the many women's clubs throughout the country? Or even the Congressional Black Caucus? And on and on. Isn't one of our basic freedoms the freedom to associate with whomever we want?
Martha Burke, chair of NOW, obviously picked on Augusta to get attention, and our good old media elite have given it to her. Ms. Goodman, who admits that Augusta falls in the "gray area" when it comes to being "public" and subject to anti-discrimination laws, states " ... this is one of those moments when the law is less important than the symbolism."
Aw, c'mon, leave those men alone.
James P. Shenfield
Wailea, Maui
Lottery would help cover fiscal shortfalls
The state and counties will always be short of money to finance numerous projects and programs. Citizens will have to make up the shortfalls by increased taxes and fees.
Many states and countries have established a lottery system. Germany's proceeds, after payouts to the participants, are used to maintain current highways and build new ones. Proceeds are also used for other programs and projects.
The overall condition of the roads and freeways here on O'ahu is a disgrace, not to mention faded crosswalk and centerline markings. A Hawai'i lotto system would help cure most of the fiscal shortfalls, plus there would be new jobs this system would create to administer it.
Hawai'i citizens love to gamble or take a chance to win money. Ask the Las Vegas casinos how many visitors from Hawai'i travel there to take a chance at winning money. The betting list goes on football, basketball, boxing, golf, chicken fights, etc.
It is time Hawai'i seriously consider the introduction of a lottery system. If it works elsewhere, why can it not work here?
Alexander P. Gomes
Sunset on the Beach should be retained
What a shame that the City Council wants to stop the Waikiki street brunch and Sunset on the Beach. Coming to visit from California, I was pleased by the joy and enthusiasm shown by the crowd.
Surely other areas of the budget can be tapped rather than deprive the citizens of this wonderful experience. Look at the budget again the people deserve more consideration.
Michael Stoller
Palm Desert, Calif.
Lingle is indeed focused on job
David Shapiro's April 2 commentary, "Lingle must regain her focus," provides a most interesting analysis and perspective of the process taking place at the State Capitol.
Gov. Linda Lingle is in fact focused on her three key themes of expanding and diversifying the economy, improving public education and restoring trust and integrity in government. They continue to resonate with the public who entrusted her with their vote of confidence last November.
Every day the governor must deal with these three main issues, even as she takes on other critical matters that will make life better for all the people of Hawai'i, including balancing the state budget (while not cutting core functions), ensuring homeland security, public health, collective bargaining, making sure companies pay their debts to the state, and working on visitor industry issues, just to name a few of the governor's daily functions.
It is clear, as Mr. Shapiro points out, that the governor's three priorities are being diluted by the pressing items of the day that must be given her attention.
While Gov. Lingle has put forward results-driven proposals for reform and progress, some of the initiatives have been stifled by the Legislature in favor of measures with similar titles, but with little resemblance to the type of real change needed for the betterment of our state.
Gov. Lingle recognizes that a critical part of restoring the public's trust in government lies in rising above partisan wrangling and resisting the urge to impose "political consequences" on those who might oppose her reform efforts. As she proved so effectively as mayor of Maui for eight years, a more collaborative and long-term approach to carrying out the people's work is a much better way to run government.
Mr. Shapiro is also correct that "Lingle deserves credit for showing patience ... and, one legislative session does not a term make. She has four years to achieve her goals."
Yes, some of the administration's bills are still advancing in the House and Senate, but it is more important that the "heart" of the governor's proposals are still being discussed in the Legislature and, even more importantly, in the community.
The governor believes that working together works. We trust the Legislature will join her in this effort.
Lenny Klompus
Senior adviser of communications, Office of the Governor
Russell Pang
Chief of media relations, Office of the Governor