Kids: Prepare for the hunt
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- Halawa Complex Easter Egg Hunt for four age groups, and games for teens and adults, 8:30 a.m., Halawa District Park. Free.
- Easter Eggstravaganza, with games, Easter Bunny photos and jumpers, keiki ID and music, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Hans L'Orange Park. Free.
- Hawaii's Biggest Easter Egg Hunt, with 50,000 candy-filled eggs, 10 a.m., Kalani High School field. Free.
- Kaimuki Easter Egg Hunt, with treats for the keiki, 10 a.m., Kaimuki District Park. Free.
April 19
- Easter Eggstravaganza Brunch & Easter Egg Hunt, aboard the Ali'i Kai catamaran. Register from 8:45 a.m., hunt at 9 a.m., brunch and entertainment at 9:45 a.m., optional one-hour tour begins at noon. $18 and $24 (with cruise) for kama'aina and military, $13 and $15 (with cruise) for kids 4 to 11. 539-9400.
- Family Fun Saturday, with egg hunts for kids 5 and younger and those 6-12, coloring contest, Chris da Clown, the dance troupe Hypersquad, 9-11 a.m., Gentry Waipi'o Shopping Center. Free. 737-1048, 671-4838.
- Easter Eggstravaganza, egg hunt and games, registration at 9:30 a.m., hunt at 10 a.m., Koko Head District Park. Free. 395-3096.
- West Coast 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt, entertainment by Kapena and 3 Scoops of Aloha and keiki jumping balloons, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Ma'ili Beach Park. Free. 696-3781.
April 20, Easter
- Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt, 9:15-10:15 a.m., Christ Lutheran Church, 95-1361 Meheula Parkway, Mililani. Free egg hunt; offering welcomed at the breakfast. 623-9229.
- Easter Egg Hunt and games, for kids 11 and younger, noon, Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park. Draw a rabbit, receive a discount off the $32.99 general admission and $21.99 youth admission. 674-9283.
- The excursion ship Star of Honolulu offers a brunch buffet, egg hunt, hula lessons and more. Departs Aloha Tower Marketplace at 10 a.m., returns at 12:30 p.m. Military and kama'aina: $29.50 general, $18 keiki. 983-7827.
Top musicians to perform at jam
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Among them are Theresa Bright, Sista Robi Kahakalau, John Rasmussen and John Cruz, Ernie Cruz Jr., Sean Na'auao, Jake Shimabukuro and Weldon Kekauoha.
There is no cover charge. 599-4877.
Awards luncheon will pin a medal on motherhood
Hawai'i's Mother of the Year will be honored at an awards luncheon at noon today at the Hawaiian Hut in the Ala Moana Hotel.
Mervlyn Keapo Kitashima, originally of Kaua'i and now of Pearl City, is married to Daniel Kitashima. They have seven children and five grandchildren. She has worked in the state school system's parent-involvement programs and now is the parent coordinator at Kamehameha Schools. Since 1991, she has spoken nationwide and internationally to school and community groups, emphasizing the promise and potential of each child.
The luncheon also honors Lanett Ho Ching of La'ie, Hawai'i's Young Mother Representative 2003. She is married to Francis Ho Ching; they have six children. She is involved in her children's lives and reaches out to others through church service, scouting and school projects.
Admission is $25 general, $15 for kids under 12. 676-3648, 734-4920.
The luncheon is sponsored by the Hawaii Association of American Mothers Inc. The honorees will compete for national titles at the organization's convention in Washington, D.C., April 29-May 4.
'Pokeman 4Ever' brings time travel to latest adventure on the DVD front
Next on the family DVD beat: "Pokemon 4Ever."
Fantasy meets science fiction as Ash discovers a new time-traveling Pokemon named Celebi.
If you're Poke-ed out, you won't care. But if you still harbor young Poke-fans, "Pokemon 4Ever" should prove a popular addition to the franchise. This time Ash makes a friend named Sam, a boy from 40 years in the past who is transported into Ash's present by Celebi.
Sam needs Ash's help to protect Celebi from that aptly named Vicious, a Team Rocket agent who wants the Pokemon for his own dark purposes. Sam also needs help to get back to his own time.
As the story develops, kids not only learn about Celebi and another legendary Pokemon named Suicune, but secrets of already established characters.
Fans should also appreciate the Pokemon game card and the 20-minute short, "Pikachu's PikaBoo," included in the VHS and DVD.
The DVD extras sport a trivia game and a peek at the Japanese trailer for the next movie.
Yes, buckle your seatbelts: There's going to be a "Pokemon 5."
Films featuring espionage to be screened at 'Sunset'; there's Sunday 'Brunch,' too
Waikiki will host "Sunset on the Beach" and "Brunch on the Beach" events this weekend.
"Sunset" events begin at 4 p.m. today and tomorrow at Queen's Surf Beach with entertainment and food booths.
At 7:10 tonight, a short film titled "Courage to Live," about Charlie and Lucy Wedemeyer, will be premiered; the couple also will be at the screening. Charlie Wedemeyer, a former star athlete, has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
"Moments of Hope," a series of public-service announcements about Aloha United Way's 211 help line, will be incorporated in the screening of "Courage." By dialing 211, callers have 24-hour access to 1,700 agencies that provide 4,000 services. The evening's entertainers, including Puamana, Melveen Leed, the Brothers Cazimero and David "Kawika" Kahiapa, are performing to lend support to the Wedemeyers and the 211 line.
Tonight's feature film, "Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Souls," about a couple of superspy siblings who battle evil, will be shown at 8:10 p.m.
Tomorrow's featured film will be "The Tuxedo," the Jackie Chan/Jennifer Love Hewitt comic spy adventure.
"Brunch" begins at 9:30 a.m. Sunday along Kalakaua Avenue, from Ka'iulani to Lili'uokalani avenues. The food ranges from breakfast items (including crispy mango-stuffed french toast with raspberry sauce) to Thai chicken satay and peanut sauce.
Entertainment will be provided by the Royal Hawaiian Band Glee Club at 9:30 a.m., Believe at 10:30 a.m., and the Honolulu Boy Choir at 11:30 a.m., leading up to headliner Kapena.
Admission to "Sunset" and "Brunch" events is free. 523-2489.
Wish upon a star and join fellow stargazers after sundown today at the Kahala Community Park: A Star Party, organized by Star Gazers of Hawaii, is free. 524-2450. Note to fans of heavenly bodies: The next full moon rises on Wednesday.