Aloha Kamalani Jolyn Akaka and Mahalo Kawehilani Jaelyn Akaka were born Dec. 25 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Georgiana L. and Kaipo W. Akaka of Honolulu.
Isaiah Jordan Mabanag Florendo was born Jan. 22 at The Queen's Medical Center to Maricel Reyes Mabanag Florendo and Christopher (Boyet) Leliza Florendo of Waipahu.
Lyla Miulan Kalehuamakanoe Gonsalves was born Feb. 2 at The Queen's Medical Center to Jennifer and Waioli Gonsalves of Honolulu.
Ardyn Oy Gin Hamane was born Feb. 23 of Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Cheryl and Dean Hamane of Mililani.
Amber Kilinoe Ikalani was born Jan. 29 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Mikilani Von Ikalani and Daven Paul Ikalani of Waialua.
Chase Yoshikatsu Machida was born Feb. 25 at The Queen's Medical Center to Shannon S. and Lance H. Machida of Mililani.
Nicole Harue Melia Miyazono was born March 5 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Cathy and Lawrence Miyazano Jr. of Honolulu.
Joel Kainoa Kalani Kaupena Bunker Moniz was born Sept. 15 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Kahealani F.J. Moniz of Wai'anae.
Luna 'Anela Suzuki was born Feb. 8 at The Queen's Medical Center to Mikiko Sally and Hiroto Suzuki of Honolulu.
Jeremiah Tadashi Kawelo Waiolama-Makaneole was born Feb. 24 at Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center to Jerimae Waiolama and Christian Makaneole of Waimanalo.
Hali'a Marie White was born March 6 at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children to Maile Lynn and Jeff M. White of Honolulu.