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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Friday, April 18, 2003

Letters to the Editor

Seattle hasn't given up its recycling program

Imagine my surprise when I read your paper Tuesday and saw a letter from Harold Loomis entitled "Seattle experiment: Curbside recycling doesn't seem to work." We have lived in our Seattle house since 1950, and when we left there one week ago for this trip, recycling was still there. We are one of the top recyclers in the nation.

The city furnishes large containers that we wheel to the curb on Fridays. One for paper, milk cartons or plastic, and all cardboard. One bin for glass, one large one for clean green (grass and leaves), which is ground for mulch. Also, aluminum cans and tin cans. The city furnishes the bins. We have very little garbage.

I would like to know in what newspaper he "noted that Seattle gave up curbside recycling." Not true.

Iris Elliott

Abusive behavior in sports must be curbed

Congratulations to Keith Amemiya, the HHSAA and the principals in charge of Hawai'i high school sports championships for sending a strong message in dealing with abusive behavior.

Unsportsmanlike conduct occurs daily at all levels, in all sports. All youth league administrators should take a cue from the HHSAA and support sports officials and the vast majority of coaches and players who display good sportsmanship. They need to deal with the "bad eggs" swiftly and fairly.

Most youth leagues are desperately looking for good coaches and sports officials. If abusive and unsportsmanlike behavior is allowed to continue, it will only discourage quality people from giving their time to the youth of Hawai'i. Someday there will be no Little League, Pop Warner or AYSO.

Brian Yamasaki

Solution for rabies: Ban all incoming pets

The two sides to the pet quarantine controversy are these:

Anti: It is expensive. It is unnecessary because modern vaccines prevent rabies. The pets are mistreated in quarantine. Pets and owners suffer because of separation. Quarantine has never found a case of rabies in pets.

Pro: If rabies gets into the Islands, it would be unsafe for everyone because islands are closed systems and rabies could spread to rats, mice, feral cats and dogs, not to mention domestic pets. The treatment for rabies is expensive, painful and necessary in expected cases because untreated rabies is always fatal. Do we really want to take a chance on rabies getting into the Islands? Quarantine works because no rabies has been found in incoming pets. Vaccines are not foolproof.

The solution to me is simple: Ban all pets from coming into the Islands. This would ensure that rabies would not be introduced and quarantine facilities would not be necessary, thus saving tax money and owners expenses. Mistreatment-of-animal charges would disappear.

Why can't our politicians think simply and solve problems?

Otto Cleveland

Lottery could replace illegal gambling here

Gambling may not solve the entire budget problem, but at a minimum, legalizing a lottery would help.

The legislators always say there are other avenues to be taken besides gambling, which never materialize other than raising taxes.

Illegal gambling is here now, so what are the unsavory factors they are talking about? Millions of dollars are being made on illegal gambling that generates no tax revenues.

C.T. Takeuchi
Pearl City

CIA said beforehand Iraq no serious threat

Ken Adelman's April 11 commentary " 'Cakewalk' in Iraq revisited" does describe the ease of victory for the United States in Iraq, but this comes as no surprise to many, including Donald Rumsfeld and the CIA.

When President Bush was trying to sell the Iraq war to the American public and the United Nations last year, he put considerable pressure on the CIA to come in with a strong report that painted Iraq as a serious threat to the United States. It didn't come through and there was considerable grumbling in the Bush camp toward the CIA.

The CIA said that Iraq was not a serious threat because its military capabilities were severely weakened by the Kuwait Gulf War and the resulting embargo. It said that Saddam would not react unless attacked and that his days as Iraq's dictator were numbered. With this in mind it is easy to see why Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld felt they could take Iraq with a minimal of light, fast-moving special forces moving swiftly in after massive "shock and awe" bombings.

Now the real story starts to unfold: How long will we remain in Iraq — one month or 50 years? Is this a tune-up war for Iran? Syria? Saudi Arabia? Or any other country we deem a potential enemy?

Ralph Wheelock

U.N. is still technically at war with N. Korea

In his April 14 letter, Ted La Fore asks whether North Korea has as much right to possess nuclear weapons as France. I'd like to point out that the United Nations is not technically in a state of war with France but has been with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea since the invasion of the Republic of Korea in June 1950. The current condition on the Korean Peninsula is an armistice, not peace.

To equate France and North Korea (in spite of our recent differences with the French) is ludicrous. North Korea with nuclear weapons is much more of a threat than France.

The recent indication from North Korea that it is willing to participate in multilateral talks is a promising sign. Such talks could lead to a resolution of the Korean conflict, the political split that has divided the Korean people since 1945, and keep that part of Asia nuclear-free.

Thomas Sprague

State should ensure the rights of victims

As the lawyer for the grieving family of Johnelle Tapu, whose life was snuffed out when her automobile was smashed into by Ronald S. Kubo Jr. on Feb. 21 on the H-1 Freeway, I was perplexed and outraged when defense attorney Guy Matsunaga accused me of denying his client his rights because I filed a lawsuit against Ronald Kubo.

Does Mr. Matsunaga not believe that the 36-year-old Johnelle Tapu had the "right" to live and her six children had the "right" to the love and support of their mother? What about Johnelle's husband, Kelly, and her brothers and sisters? They, too, had the "right" to enjoy the love and support of their wife and sister.

The state of Hawai'i has need for a "victims rights" amendment to the state Constitution. Such an amendment should require that victims and their families be guaranteed speedy access to all police and investigatory reports, have the right to be present during all criminal proceedings, are provided grief counseling and are promptly notified of all insurance compensation that might be available to help dependents and aged parents survive the loss of the victim's income.

Richard Turbin

What has women's commission done?

I am bemused, and somewhat amused, by the letters about Hawai'i's Commission on the Status of Women. The writers have implied that since our governor is female, she should automatically support funding for this commission, whether or not it is doing anything worthwhile.

I checked out the commission's Web site, hoping to find some statistics on its accomplishments. The last update was in early September 2002, and it was touting Women's Month activities taking place at that time. I did find it has received federal money for use in school programs, largely to educate students about abuse. I didn't find what has actually been accomplished.

Of particular interest, however, was a section on the Hawai'i Women's Coalition, which is composed of people in the community who follow legislation on women's issues and provide support for favorable legislation and also provide support for agencies involved with women's issues. This group works with our large bipartisan women's caucus in the Legislature. There is also a group at UH-Manoa, Office of Women's Research, that seems to be doing some of the statistical things the commission claims to be doing.

I wish I didn't have the feeling that this is just another group trying to cling to its funding to perpetuate itself, useful or not. Instead of bemoaning the loss of funding, at least those maintaining it should tell the public exactly what its purpose is and, more importantly, how it is being achieved.

Shirley Hasenyager

Viloria's high-stepping in ring was uncalled for

Congratulations, Brian Viloria! Your KO victory in the eighth round on April 15 at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel was very gratifying and impressive.

As a longtime boxing fan in Hawai'i, I've seen many great local fighters who have come up through the ranks and represented Hawai'i with class and integrity. Great fighters such as Dado Marino, Carl "Bobo" Olsen, Stan Harrington, Paul Fujii, Ben Vilaflor, to name a few.

All of these fighters had special skills and determination, and they were humble in victory.

After the third round when it was evident that your opponent was not in the same class as you, your actions of waving your hand in a circular motion and high-stepping in the ring, in my opinion, were not really in the best interest of your career. Where I grew up, we call those actions "bo-rrot," or showing off, and your image could be tarnished.

As the old saying goes, "monkeys sometimes fall off trees," Brian, and someday you may be on the canvas. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate your opponent high-stepping and fist-waving over you. Mahalo for your efforts.

Hal Omori

Doubts about park improvements gone

In the beginning, I was not sure about the "improvements" planned for the Lanikai side of Kailua Beach Park. But now the park is lovely and open to more people. I wonder if the people who object to improving the Kalapawai side do not want to share the park with the handicapped, tourists or any other park-goers. Not much aloha there.

Mary Moore

Quackenbush never exonerated

Unrepentant. That is the stance of Chuck Quackenbush, California's elected insurance commissioner who resigned just ahead of certain impeachment and then moved to Hawai'i.

The Advertiser's feature story ("Politician looks for new life, new career in Hawai'i," April 15) points to an obviously orchestrated campaign by Mr. Quackenbush to establish a political career in Hawai'i.

The $50,000 fine levied against him by California's Fair Political Practices Commission was one of the largest of its kind in the state's history.

I was hired by the California Legislature as a special consultant to work on the investigation and hearings that culminated in Mr. Quackenbush's resignation. When he says "I was completely exonerated of any allegation of wrongdoing," that is categorically false. No one exonerated Mr. Quackenbush. To the contrary, a bipartisan committee of the California Assembly held lengthy public hearings that were detailed and painstakingly fair. The Legislature was then prepared to impeach, but Mr. Quackenbush resigned and moved to Hawai'i.

Hawai'i residents should understand the severity of what Mr. Quackenbush did. The scheme was simple. The huge Northridge earthquake in Southern California left tens of thousands of Californians, many impoverished, with their homes destroyed or seriously damaged. Mr. Quackenbush gave insurance companies an attractive option: If they would donate several million dollars each to nonprofit organizations controlled by him or his political allies, then the California Department of Insurance would forego any further regulatory activity after they systematically underestimated damages or denied claims outright. The nonprofit organizations were then able to use the millions of dollars of "contributions" for advertising and other campaign expenses to further Mr. Quackenbush's political career.

Mr. Quackenbush is proud of his role in helping to initiate California's "three strikes and you're out" law, the nation's most extreme and punitive sentencing statute. He and his family have every right to rebuild their lives, but another political career is a different question. How many thousand "strikes" against poor people who elected him does it take before he is "out" of the public trust for life?

I have done professional work in Hawai'i intermittently for over 25 years. I have great regard for the state and its people. With regard to Mr. Quackenbush, Hawai'i's Republican leaders should recognize that if you lie down with dogs, you do not get up with aloha spirit.

Jeffrey A. Schwartz
San Jose, Calif.