Easy-to-make Easter basket for mini eggs or gift
Download a printable pattern (large motif)
Download a printable pattern (small motif)
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Writer
Parents may want to supervise youngsters during the cutting and assembling phase.
So start thinking and begin creating.
Materials, tools needed
- Colored paper, card stock (vellum)
- Scissors
- Scoring instrument (a used up ball-point pen, without ink, works nicely)
- Ruler to use in scoring
- Paste or glue
- Hole puncher
- Raffia, cord or thin ribbon scraps
- Easter grass or crinkled paper for filler (optional)
- Cut out pattern; cut the half-line on tabs.
- If duplicating, run off on colored paper with a copier.
- If making only one box, paste pattern securely on to card stock.
- Score on dotted lines.
- Color and add stickers, etc., before cutting on solid edges, including tab locks.
- Fold at score lines.
- Assemble by locking the tabs, bringing "basket" together, and punch hole at top.
- Secure with raffia, cord, or thin ribbon.
- Fill basket with some grass or crinkled paper, add sweet treat or mini gift.
Wayne Harada is a box-making hobbyist. Reach him at wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com, phone 525-8067 or fax 525-8055.