Posted on: Wednesday, August 6, 2003
Advertising on buses is not the way to go
Given the fact that routes are being trimmed and a strike looms over pay issues, it's no wonder the City Council is scratching for ways to raise a few extra bucks for the city bus system.
But we hope the council will agree with Mayor Jeremy Harris and conclude that putting exterior advertising on the buses is not the way to go.
Hawai'i has done a commendable job of keeping all outside advertising to a minimum, largely due to the work of The Outdoor Circle. While bus advertising may appear to be a minimal break with that tradition, it is a break that could lead to worse.
It's tough to see how the city could permit advertising on its own vehicles but prohibit private outdoor advertising and billboards. Once that door has been opened, it will be difficult to ever close it again.
True, bus advertising is common on the Mainland and undoubtedly produces a fair amount of revenue. But Hawai'i is not the Mainland.
Visitors often remark approvingly about our lack of billboards and garish outsized outdoor advertising.
Let's keep it that way.