Churches belong in education vanguard
By Janet Powell
God's vision for us is large, but we often have a habit of concentrating on the small. He opens doors, but we have a habit of closing them. Because he is faithful, he keeps on trying!
God's desires for us are that we function as true disciples by winning souls and advancing his kingdom through outreach, equipping his church to do the work involved in real ministry and building together the body of Christ in order to stand mature and complete in all the will of God, not our own.
What can we do?
Education of our young is the way to solve problems such as the spread of "ice" and other ills that are ruining their lives.
Children who are in the pursuit of excellence do not turn to crime and drugs.
When children can read, when parents can learn along with them, when language and cultural barriers are removed, we experience the promises of prosperity and the glory of God.
Up to 80 percent of Wai'anae's children are falling through the educational cracks. Some will feel pulled toward criminal ways to make a living. They will know no better way unless the body of Christ answers the call to outreach with educational programs that change the lives of families.
There is a mighty work needed in Wai'anae.
God has a vision. We must provide the reality.
Our churches must be part of the new frontier of education growing in our community. Charter schools and new churches are turning on the lights in a community that has been hidden for a long time in the darkness of poverty and school failure. With the needs expressed by our Department of Education for paraprofessionals and mentors in the work force, we cannot ignore the call to action.
As it says in Habakkuk 2:2, "Write the vision and engrave it so plainly, upon the tablets that everyone who passes may (be able to) read (it easily and quickly) as he hastens by."
A plan exists.
Janet Powell is a member of Wai'anae United Methodist Church.
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