Posted on: Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Hawai'i will get $6.8 million to guard against terrorism
Associated Press
Hawai'i will receive a $6.8 million federal grant to better equip emergency workers for potential acts of terrorism on O'ahu, U.S. Rep. Ed Case announced yesterday.
Besides purchasing equipment, the money will be used to train Honolulu's first responders for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive attacks.
"While we are grateful for this round of funding, we must continue efforts in Congress to obtain the additional resources Hawai'i needs to guard against and respond to potential acts of terrorism," said Case, D-Hawai'i. "Local governments ... including the City and County of Honolulu, know full well that the current administration has shortchanged homeland security funding by billions of dollars thus far."
Case said military bases on O'ahu are potential targets of terrorism.
The Hawai'i Department of Defense will receive the money and award 80 percent of it to Honolulu. The remaining 20 percent will be used to complement state assets that provide direct assistance to Honolulu to prevent, respond to and recover from a terrorist act.