Lit Beat
Ann West, author of "Truth from the Source: An Awakening from Life's Illusions & Limitations," speaks about her book, with opportunities for networking, sponsored by Holomana 'O Hawai'i, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, Wai'oli Tea Room, Manoa Valley; $35 includes lunch. Reservations and payment required: 887-0044.
"Dead Poets No Talk Li'dat," readings of poetry from dead poets rewritten in pidgin, with open mike to follow, 7 p.m. Thursday, Jelly's in 'Aiea; free for spectators. Poets, call for rules: 484-4413.
"Haiku Pidgin: The Poetry of Local Speech," retrospective performance of works by Bradajo, with slides and video and guitar accompaniment by Orion Stanbro, 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. Aug. 24, Lizard Loft at the Arts at Marks Garage; $10, with discounted tickets available for students and groups of five or more. 536-8047.
Richard Chamberlain signs his autobiography, "Shattered Love: A Memoir," 12:30-1:30 p.m. Friday, Bestsellers, Pauahi Tower. 528-2378.
Chris Loos and Rick Castberg sign their book "Murder in Paradise: A Christmas in Hawaii Turns to Tragedy," and discuss the Dana Ireland murder, noon Aug. 24, Borders, Waikele. 676-6699.
Hybolics calls for submissions of poetry, prose, songs, artwork, comics or essays for the upcoming Gen X Local issue. Mail submissions with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Hybolics Inc., attn. Gen X Local Anthology, P.O. Box 3016, 'Aiea, HI 96701. Deadline is Aug. 31.
The Hawai'i Review, UH-Manoa's literary journal, seeks prose and poetry from Hawai'i residents, both students and non-students, for an upcoming issue. Maximum length is 7,000 words for prose and 500 lines for poetry. For additional requirements, call 956-3030 or e-mail Deadline is Sept. 15.
Lee A. Tonouchi, a pidgin writer and activist, is seeking submissions for his "Da Kine Dictionary." Obtain submission forms for pidgin words at or 734-7159, ext. 21.
Keiki Storytime, 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays, Borders, Waikele. 676-6699.
Craft and Story time, 11 a.m. Tuesdays, Barnes & Noble, Kahala Mall. 737-3323.
Keiki Storytime, 11 a.m. Saturdays, Children's Amphitheater, Borders, Ward Centre. 591-8995.