Coming Events
Advertiser Staff
"HYDROGEN FACTS AND FICTIONS: Where Does Hydrogen Fit in Hawai'i?" a discussion at a coffee/dessert event sponsored by FREE Pac, is scheduled for Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. at The Pacific Club. Speakers will be Jonathan Hurwitch, senior vice president, Sentech Inc., Washington, D.C.; Mitch Ewan, hydrogen systems program manager, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute; and Russell Castagnaro, executive director of FREE Pac, The Foundation for a Renewable Energy Economy in the Pacific. Fee. Reservations by today: 778-5621, or,
An update on The Honolulu Advertiser's new $82 million printing facility, slated for completion in Kapolei about the middle of next year, will be offered at a breakfast forum of the local chapter of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRIAL AND OFFICE PROPERTIES. The speaker will be Bill Bogert, Advertiser vice president of (newspaper) production, who is overseeing construction of the printing and publishing facility. The meeting will be Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. breakfast to 9 a.m., at The Pacific Club. Fee; nonmembers welcome. Reservations by tomorrow: Barbie Rosario, 845-4994.
June Jones, University of Hawai'i head football coach, will speak at the ROTARY CLUB OF HONOLULU luncheon set for noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel's Regency Room. Fee. Call: Debbie Jenkins, 922-5526.
"INTRO TO NUMBERS," a workshop sponsored by the Hawaii Women's Business Center, will show how to keep financial records and what system best suits a business's needs. It will be from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Small Business Resource Center in Suite A at 1041 Nu'uanu Ave. Fee. Registration: 522-8136.
The MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER OF HONOLULU offers free weekly orientation sessions to minority business owners and prospective entrepreneurs. The sessions, 9 to 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday in Suite 2506 of the Executive Center, 1088 Bishop St., offer advice on business startup, marketing plans, loans, employee handbooks and access to capital. Free. Reservations: 521-6221.
A free COMPUTER BOOT CAMP is offered from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays to all small-business owners interested in using computer technology to improve and expand operations and management. The program is sponsored by the Small Business Resource Center, in partnership with the Small Business Administration, the city Office of Economic Development, Hawai'i Small Business Development Center Network, Hawai'i Women's Business Center and SCORE. The program is open to all clients of the center who have attended a center orientation, offered 9 a.m. Tuesdays or 2 p.m. Thursdays at 1041-A Nu'uanu Ave. Attendees will have access to training videos and resource materials. Workshops and free counseling are also offered. Appointments: 522-8130.
Joe Trahan, an international media relations trainer with expertise in crisis and risk communication, will speak Wednesday at a workshop and luncheon sponsored by the Hawai'i chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. The workshop, "What You Should Do When the Stuff Hits the Gumbo Pot," will be from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. in the Kona-Kohala rooms of the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel; the luncheon program, "Making the Top dog Bark Right," will be preceded by 11:30 a.m. registration in the Ni'ihau Room. Both events are open at the member rate to nonprofit organizations and the military. Fee; nonmembers and student-members welcome. Reservations by Monday: Information: Lou Torraca, 254-3286, or
Project Management Institute, Honolulu chapter, will have its monthly luncheon meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday at The Plaza Club, Pioneer Plaza. Fee; nonmembers and students welcome. Lester Muraoka of The Kamehameha Schools will speak on "Establishing a Successful Project Environment." Reservations: 433-7093.
Referentia Systems Inc., an information technology provider of e-Learning, advanced computing and systems engineering with government and military applications, will conduct interviews and accept résumés for networking and technology positions during an open house from 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at its headquarters in Suite 104 at 4429 Mala'ai St. (behind the old Costco store at Salt Lake). Information: 423-1900.
The monthly meeting of the INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS, Hawai'i chapter, will be from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday at the Small Business Administration, Chinatown Gateway Plaza, 1031 Nu'uanu Ave. Speaker: Malia Zimmerman on "Business and Government Fraud." Small fee; nonmembers welcome. CPE credit available. Reservations: Ross Kawano, 540-3917.
ALA MOANA TOASTMASTERS' no-host luncheon meetings, with opportunities to improve public and impromptu speaking abilities, are from noon to 1 p.m. Thursdays in The Wisteria restaurant. Guests welcome. Information: 368-2757.
The HONOLULU BUSINESS NETWORK, a networking opportunity for small-business owners and professionals, meets 12:01 to 1:15 p.m. Thursdays at Sansei Seafood Restaurant, Restaurant Row. Call: Tracy Nakashima, 525-6028.
AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COUNCIL HAWAII will have a networking mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at Waikiki Yacht Club. Fee. Time/information: 597-1341.
A workshop titled "MICRO ENTERPRISE 101: Starting a New Business," sponsored by the Hawaii Women's Business Center, will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday in Suite A of the Small Business Resource Center, 1041 Nu'uanu Ave.. Fee. Registration: Oliv'e, 522-8136
A free workshop, "Project Management for Technical Editors and Writers," will be offered as part of Saturday's monthly meeting of the local chapter of the Society for Technical Communication, from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. at 'Aiea's Elephant and Castle Restaurant. Reservations: Jeanne, 440-0219.
"MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS ON-LINE," a workshop sponsored by the African American Commercial Council Hawaii, will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the sixth-floor conference room at 1311 Kapi'olani Blvd. Fee; nonmembers welcome. Call: 597-1341.
Two small-business development classes are scheduled by the Waianae Coast Coalition: "Small Business Entrepreneurship," 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, and "ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT," 6 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 25, both at the Wai'anae Satellite City Hall conference room, 85-670 Farrington Highway. Fee; free for those who qualify. Registration: 696-1217.
"Celebrate a Legacy in Tourism," an annual fund-raiser for the University of Hawai'i School of Travel Industry Management, will be at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 23 in the Monarch Room of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The guest of honor will be U.S. Ambassador L.W. "Bill" Lane Jr., former chairman/publisher of Lane Publishing Co. (publisher of Sunset magazine) and founding member of the UH TIM advisory board. Fee. Reservations by next Monday. Call: 956-4885.
The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WOMEN ACCOUNTANTS, Honolulu chapter, will have its monthly luncheon meeting from noon to 1 p.m. Aug. 26 at The Plaza Club, Pioneer Plaza. David Perkins, president of Hawaii Economic Development Corp., will speak on "Financing Commercial Property SBA 504 Loans." Fee; guests welcome. R.S.V.P. by Wednesday: Susan Song, 527-4234.
Business meetings of general interest are listed in the "Coming Events" column each Monday. Submit notices at least two weeks in advance. By fax: 525-6763. By mail: Coming Events, Business Section, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. By e-mail: