Recorded tour lets hosts off the hook
Advertiser Staff and News Services
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Hand them "TourTalk O'ahu" ($24.95 at, a two-CD self-guided audio driving tour narrated by local personalities such as Joe "Pekelo" Recca and "Sista" Sherry Clifton.
The 2 1/2-hour tour describes key moments in O'ahu's history and includes storytellers, chanters and musicians as well as a 72-page booklet.
The west O'ahu company that made the guide, TourTalk-Hawaii Nei, plans to produce guides for the other major Hawaiian islands this year.
Keiki invited to float ideas for contest
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Winners will receive prizes and be published in a booklet to be distributed at this year's Honolulu Harbor Festival. Entries are due Sept. 19, with name, grade, school, contact person and daytime phone number on the back, submitted to Harbors Division, 79 S. Nimitz Highway, Honolulu, HI 96813. For details, call the Harbors Division at 587-2044.
Kilauea club marks 35th annual picnic
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In 1968, five friends from the small plantation town near Hanalei looking for a way to keep in touch started a club, Kilauea Kai. It registered 106 members and has been meeting for an annual picnic ever since.
Celebrating their 35th anniversary on Sunday, the club's 36 members (with children and grandchildren in tow) will honor their 80-year-old-plus members 14 of them.
There will be games (led by the same man for the last 35 years), and bentos for lunch a Kilauea Kai tradition. Annual membership dues remain the same as when the club started ($5). The picnic starts at 10 a.m. at Ala Moana Beach Park near the McCoy Pavilion.