Letters to the Editor
Bus drivers deserve to have quality jobs
We often hear our leaders speak in support of new jobs, quality jobs. Well, some folks, like city bus drivers, already have quality jobs. They have jobs that provide decent pay, medical coverage, pension, maybe even some job security. Bus drivers want to hang on to what they have and improve it if they can.
Bus drivers value good housing, food on the table, good schools for their children, just as I do. That's why I support the city bus workers.
O'ahu Transit Services, do the right thing and reach a fair settlement. Hawai'i leaders, let's really support quality jobs.
Richard A. Desmond
Back-To-School fete an unqualified success
Lt. Gov. Aiona and I would like to thank everyone who participated in last weekend's Back-To-School celebration at the State Capitol and Washington Place. We were deeply moved by the show of support from close to 500 students, parents, teachers, principals and government and education officials who attended the event.
Pearl City High School's marching band and concert band deserve special recognition for providing outstanding entertainment under the leadership of Mr. Mike Nakasone and his musical directors.
I would also like to thank the dedicated state employees from the state departments of Health, Transportation and Defense, and all the volunteers who organized interactive displays, conducted guided tours and provided educational materials and resources for the students and parents.
One of the top priorities of my administration is improving public education. The release of more than $120 million for capital improvement projects and repair and maintenance at all public schools across Hawai'i will ensure our schools offer safe and comfortable learning and teaching environments for our keiki and hard-working teachers.
This was just the beginning. After the Department of Accounting and General Services and the Department of Education get together to identify priorities, we will release more money for more schools.
The enthusiasm and energy displayed by all in attendance will further empower us as we continue to work with the DOE and the Legislature on our initiatives to reform and improve public education in Hawai'i.
Gov. Linda Lingle
Kamehameha should accept all Hawaiians
With all the current lawsuits for attendance into Kamehameha Schools, I still don't understand why only a few Hawaiian students are offered a chance for an education there.
If Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's intent were to provide a legacy of education for the Hawaiian children, then I see no reason not to provide schooling for all Hawaiian children with a proven blood line, rather than a chosen few. It seems that the chosen few are benefiting while the rest fall further behind. The monies generated by the school's investments should suffice for their education.
If the education provided is that great, then this may be the catalyst to pull the Hawaiians out of poverty and homelessness, and create leaders who will be tolerant that there are others who also call Hawai'i home.
Adriano Lorenzo Jr.
Actions harken back to South of the 1950s
Remember in the 1950s when whites protested blacks attending "their" schools in the South? The actions and comments of those protesters exemplified racism and hatred in its purest form.
What's happening at Kamehameha Schools is the exact same thing. Protesting a child attending a school based purely on race is pure racism. Some of the comments made by some of the Hawaiian students and alumni encourage anger and hostility toward a child because he is not Hawaiian.
Is this what Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop had in mind?
Kamehameha Schools is one of the few remaining fundamentally racist organizations in the country. Whether the government says it's OK or not, racism is racism, no matter how you color it. Kamehameha Schools has been practicing and promoting racism in it's purest form for decades. Eight-grader Brayden Mohica-Cummings' bravery in the face of such bigotry should be commended.
Aloha? What aloha?
Mike Thompson
Real issue was about a broken contract
Judge David Ezra's decision permitting the young boy, Brayden Mohica-Cummings, to attend Kamehameha Schools was not only a bad decision but irresponsible.
The schools' attorney was also asleep at the switch and was arguing the wrong issue. The issue was a contract between the schools and the mother, Kalena Santos, and her son in which the boy must meet certain qualifications, particularly that he have some Hawaiian blood. His mother acted on a hidden agenda.
All the elements of a contract were present. The proper decision should have been a denial of admittance.
Hank McKeague
What's with the agenda?
It appears as though The Honolulu Advertiser has a "gay rights" agenda and is actively pushing it. An example is its Aug. 17 article "Tapping into gay tourism in Waikiki." Why does The Advertiser ignore an even bigger market families and heterosexuals? I glanced through several online editions and, gosh, not a word said. However, there are more than a few notes about gays.
Ben Clinger
What will people drink when the water is gone?
Last week I tried to persuade my fellow members of our homeowners board to speak with neighbors about the voluntary water restrictions imposed by the Board of Water Supply. I was met with numerous views, mostly that the board should not get involved.
On my own, I spoke to owners each day trying to educate them on water conservation. Monday evening, while driving up Fort Weaver Road to Waipahu, I observed the government watering the medians, and the golf courses on both sides of Fort Weaver being watered. So much for volunteering.
I feel sorry for the disbelievers. No one believed 50 million people would be wandering around aimlessly in the Northeast because of a power failure, but it happened.
I wonder what our people will drink when the water is gone. Better yet, what will it cost them? You can believe it won't be cheap. Scalpers love it when there are no alternatives; take a hint from the power failure.
Government hasn't addressed this issue with a plan for the future. Unfortunately, the future is now.
John Slater
'Ewa Beach