Four ways to live a life more stress-free
By Christine L. Romero
Arizona Republic
Under pressure, the stress-hardy and the frail are separated by four vital traits, says Marie Dalloway, a workplace stress expert.
The president of Phoenix-based Performance Media uses the acronym PACT for those traits: perspective, autonomy, connections and tone.
"You look at people who are stress-hardy," she said. "They seem to dance through stressful situations. They seem to handle it great."
The characteristics just come naturally to some, while others must learn them.
Dalloway's company works with businesses and athletes to help them manage stress, allowing for "peak performance." Here's a look at her four keys:
- Perspective. "They have a broad and deep perspective," she said. Dalloway said stress-hardy people allow the little things to pass and focus on real problems.
- Autonomy. This focuses on being self-reliant, independent and in control. Being able to master a schedule, speak publicly and attain financial literacy all contribute to mastering stressful times.
- Connections. Who or what is most important? This trait relates to having deep connections with family, friends or co-workers. "It's like having more legs on the chair. These things that come rippling along don't upset them as much."
- Tone. It involves having a happy and healthy lifestyle, which includes fitness, diet and time to rest, Dalloway said. When people are overstressed, one of the first things to go is adequate sleep.