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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Tips for commuters during bus strike

City van program update

The city is increasing its service of the city van program.  Call 523-4381 tonight between 5 and 8 for reservations. For more information, see the city van program Web site.

Numbers to call

• Vanpools Hawaii: 596-VANS or www.vanpoolhawaii.com

• Rideshare program: 692-7685

• LOTMA: Free car-pooling matches in Leeward and Central O'ahu. Call 677-7433 or www.lotma.org

• Bicycle commuting: 527-5044 or www.co.honolulu.hi.us/dts/bicyclingprogram.htm

• More information: City Department of Transportation Services Hot Line 527-5890; or visit www.co.honolulu.hi.us/dts/strike.htm

Informal ride share

Drivers who are willing to offer rides and people in need of a lift are encouraged to hook up at these locations:

  • Kapolei Hale
  • Pearl City Youth Center in Manana
  • Kane'ohe District Park Gym
  • Wahiawa Botanic Garden
  • Waipahu Gym
  • City Square in Kalihi
  • Sinclair Circle at University of Hawai'i
  • Hawai'i Kai Park and Ride
  • Mililani Park and Ride
  • Kunia Park and Ride
  • Niu Valley Shopping Center
  • Kailua District Park

Taxi service

Taxi companies plan to operate along 20 city bus routes and will pick up passengers for $3, regardless of the length of the trip.

There also will be locations in town: Kapi'olani and Ala Moana parks, at Sinclair Circle at the University of Hawai'i and along Hotel Street, which is normally used only by TheBus.

University of Hawai'i

• UH-Manoa will potentially have 1,900 additional parking spaces available on a first-come, first- served basis both on and off campus. Priority parking will be given to vehicles carrying two or more passengers at Bachman lawn before 10 a.m. Additional on-campus sites will be Kennedy Theatre-McCarthy Mall, the Music Building, Klum Gym gravel area and the Lab School lawn. To offset costs and provide for security, the normal $3 parking fee will be assessed at all on-campus lots.

• Off-campus parking sites: Blaisdell Center, Kaka'ako Waterfront Park, Manoa Valley District Park and Ala Wai Community Park. No parking fee except at Blaisdell, where parking will cost the normal $5.

• Limited shuttle service will be provided to the university and all off-campus parking sites. Only students, faculty and staff with a valid ID can ride the shuttle. See www.hawaii.edu/busstrike for shuttle schedules.

• Ride-sharing information available on the UH Web site at www.hawaii.edu/busstrike.

Zipper & HOV lanes

• The State Department of Transportation will open the H-1 Freeway zipper lane from 5 a.m. until 9:15 a.m. for vehicles with two or more occupants. The lane normally shuts down at 8:30 a.m., and at least three occupants per vehicle are required from 5-7 a.m., and two required from 7-8:30 a.m.

• The high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes along the H-1, H-2 and Moanalua freeways, and Kalaniana'ole Highway will be open to all vehicles, regardless of the number of occupants.


• Leave home at least 30 to 45 minutes earlier than usual.

• Vehicles should be checked and maintained to cut down on the number of stalls on the road.

• Rideshare — car pool, van pool, bike, walk — to help cut down on traffic.