Posted at 12:07 p.m., Thursday, August 28, 2003
Gasoline prices hit new highs
Advertiser Staff
Gasoline prices in Honolulu reached a new high of $2.017 today, according to the AAA travel club. That’s up 1.4 cents from yesterday’s average price for a gallon of self-serve regular.In Wailuku, gasoline also hit a new high, reaching $2.374 a gallon today. Gasoline prices in Hawai'i and nationwide have risen in recent weeks in part because of supply concerns and heavy summer driving demand.
As a result of higher prices on the West Coast, California has once again overtaken Hawai'i as the state with the highest prices. California drivers were paying an average of $2.159 a gallon today, compared with $2.094 a gallon in the Islands.