Tag No. 3279
A chatty fellow, Bruce is a 2-year-old male who is mostly white with black and brown tiger accents. This weekend you can adopt two cats and pay just one adoption fee. Meet Bruce and his roommates at the Cat House, Room 1.
Tag No. 4812
Just 8 months old, Buddy is at the perfect age for learning good manners. He has very short, creamy white hair and loves to play. This active teenager needs a household that will spend time teaching and playing with him.
Tag No. 3971
This young adult cat is being called Ellie but could have another name. She was found Aug. 10 and remains unclaimed at the humane society. If you have lost this black and brown tiger cat, visit the shelter to claim her.
These particular animals already may have found new homes. Visit to see all the pets in person. The Hawaiian Humane Society and McInerny Dog Park at 2700 Wai'alae Ave. are open weekdays from noon to 8 p.m., weekends and Labor Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The incoming-animals area always is open. If you've lost or found an animal, call the society at 946-2187 ext. 285. see