Rain expected to lift by midweek on O'ahu
By Karen Blakeman
Advertiser Staff Writer
The rain that has been drenching the island the past few days probably will wrap up later today or tomorrow, according to the National Weather Service in Honolulu.
"Then the west Kona winds will change to northeast winds and blow steadily for 6 to 12 hours, and after that, it'll brighten up a little," said Hans Rosendal, lead forecaster. "So maybe on Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest, we'll see some sun."
Along the Ko'olaus, rainfall during the weekend reached 12 inches in some places, Rosendal said, particularly in areas like Kane'ohe, where the mountain range is close to the shoreline.
"The showers have been moving along steadily," he said, "with pauses so the water could soak in — in most places.
"It is doing wonders for our water supply," he said.
Rosendal said the surf also is likely to subside as swells from the northeast diminish.
"But there'll be some coming in from other directions," he said. "We've got some big storms in the Western Pacific, including a typhoon close to Japan."
Meanwhile, he said, yesterday marked the end of Hawai'i's hurricane season.
"Some years, we get stragglers," he said, but those are mostly during El Niño. "This year, we think we're done."
Reach Karen Blakeman at 535-2430 or at kblakeman@honoluluadvertiser.com.