Hawai'i briefs
Advertiser Staff
Beachgoer in critical condition
A man in his 20s was taken in critical condition to Kahuku Hospital after he was found face down in the water off the North Shore yesterday. No further information was available on his condition.
Honolulu Fire Department Capt. Emmit Kane said firefighters were called to the beach fronting 59-491 Ke Waena Road at about 8:30 a.m. An off-duty lifeguard and a man identified as a doctor were administering CPR when firefighters arrived. Firefighters administered CPR and oxygen until Emergency Medical Services paramedics took the man to Kahuku hospital.
Fire sends smoke over Maui
A fire at a scrap metal yard sent clouds of noxious smoke billowing over much of central Maui on Saturday.
Assistant Fire Chief Greg Chong Kee said firefighters have not determined the cause of the fire at Maui Scrap Metals in Waikapu. The fire was reported around 10:30 a.m., but was not brought under control until about 6:15 p.m. Smoke from the fire was blown across the island, bringing complaints from Kihei about the smoke and stench, Chong Kee said.
Waikane fire investigated
Investigators worked yesterday to determine the cause of a fire that did $30,000 in damage to a Waikane home Saturday.
The fire started in an attached shed, said Honolulu Fire Department Capt. Emmit Kane. It then spread to the main house at 48-377 Kamehameha Highway, damaging about 20 percent of it. A woman and four children were at home, but escaped without injury.
Road-widening work on agenda
A public meeting to discuss the state's Fort Weaver Road widening project will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Asing Park meeting room, 91-1450 Renton Road in 'Ewa.
The first phase of construction will widen the road from four to six lanes between Farrington Highway and Laulaunui Street and will begin in March, according to the Transportation Department.
Construction will take about a year and cost about $8.6 million.
The $19.8 million second phase will widen Fort Weaver Road from Laulaunui Street to Geiger Road and will start in December 2004. That phase will take about two years.
College plans winter session
Leeward Community College is accepting applications for an expanded winter session from Dec. 19 to Jan. 9. The session offers an opportunity to earn three credit hours in a short time, with classes scheduled Mondays through Saturdays, excluding holidays.
Sixteen courses are available.
Applications are being accepted through Dec. 19 at the LCC Admissions and Records office. Registration is also available online through the UH information system, MyUH Portal. Tuition is $105 per credit for Hawai'i residents and $138 for nonresidents. For more information, call 455-0642 or visit the Web site, lccwintersession.hawaii.edu.
Native-plant tour is Saturday
Liz Huppman, head of Lyon Arboretum'sÊgreenhouse and native plant collection, will give a tour of native plants in the Manoa Valley garden starting at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. The free tour is sponsored by the Ala Wai Watershed Association and is meant to show how native plants can be used to improve the watershed.
Nu'uanu, Makiki, and Manoa valleys were stripped of native vegetation in the early 1900s by sandalwood harvesting and cattle ranching activities. The association plans stream-bank and hillside restoration projects for the coming year.
Participants should meet in the arboretum parking lot. For more information, call 955-7882.