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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, December 3, 2003

O'ahu briefs

Advertiser Staff


Dead crewman identified

A crewman who died at sea aboard a Japanese fishing vessel was identified yesterday by the Honolulu Medical Examiner's office as Mohamad Taufik, 32.

Taufik was a crewman aboard the Tokuju No. 7, which arrived in Honolulu Harbor yesterday morning.

A spokesman for Honolulu Agency, the ship's local agent, said the crewman died in his sleep Friday.

The medical examiner will perform an autopsy today to determine the cause of death.

Water use falls, board reports

Water use on O'ahu fell again last week, to an average of 148.38 million gallons per day for the week ending Nov. 26. That was a 3 percent drop from the previous week, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply reported.

The biggest decrease was in the 'Ewa-Wai'anae district, where water use fell 11 percent to 18.84 million gallons per day. Three of the other five water management districts also reported decreases in use.

The water board last week lifted voluntary water restrictions, implemented during the summer to limit lawn watering and other household irrigation. In addition, the board said it will stop issuing weekly water use reports, but urged residents to continue efforts to avoid wasting water.

Restaurant fire deliberately set

A fire that caused $80,000 damage to a Kalihi restaurant Sunday night was deliberately set, said Fire Department investigator Capt. Glenn Solem. An ignitable liquid was used to start the 11:14 p.m. fire at King Buffet, 2300 N. King St., Solem said.

The owner of the restaurant told investigators he left at 10:02 p.m. The fire was reported by police who responded to a security alarm call.

City seeks input on 10-year plan

The City Council is seeking public comments as it creates a 10-year plan to deliver core services in an efficient and economical manner. The council will solicit input from the public via questionnaires and a survey that will be posted Dec. 15 on the city's Web site,

Council members also will question city departments heads and employees to determine needs, weaknesses and strengths. The council hopes to submit to the plan to the next mayor, who takes office following the 2004 elections.

For more information, call Kim Rebellia, senior aide to Council Chairman Donovan Dela Cruz, at 547-7002; or Mary Schmidtke, senior aide to Councilwoman Barbara Marshall, at 547-7003.

Tripler lighting ceremony today

Tripler Army Medical Center will hold its annual tree lighting ceremony at 5:30 p.m. today outside the hospital's oceanside entrance.

The ceremony will include entertainment from the 25th Infantry Division (Light) Band, and Santa Claus will make an appearance.

The public is invited to the event, but must bring photo identification to be allowed on the grounds.