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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Teens polled on sex

Advertiser Staff and News Services

Most teens say sex outside of marriage is OK.

So says a Gallup Poll regarding teens' views of divorce and sex outside of marriage.

The Gallup Poll youth survey recently asked teens (ages 13 to 17) what they think about the moral acceptability of specific issues surrounding marriage. Results indicate a majority of teens see both divorce and sex outside of marriage as morally acceptable (66 percent and 57 percent, respectively).

About four in 10 (42 percent) feel the same way about having children out of wedlock. And 5 percent of teens said married men and women having an affair is morally acceptable, while 94 percent said it is not.

Waikiki gets comedy infusion

If you believe you can never laugh too much, then the Palace Showroom at the Ohana Reef Towers Hotel is the place for you. Longtime home of the Frank DeLima show on Fridays and Saturdays, the venue will welcome a new late-hour comedy act, Andy Bumatai and Paul Ogata, beginning Dec. 19. Bumatai and Ogata have been teaming up for stand-up at Brew Moon restaurant, where they will continue to entertain Wednesdays and Saturdays through Saturday.

Starting Dec. 19, they will launch a 10 p.m. show Fridays and Saturdays, following the 8:30 p.m. DeLima revue.

Beginning Friday,DeLima also welcomes an addition, Troy Lazaro, the Kaua'i-based "Hawai'i Stars" winner, who will join DeLima for three weekends. Tickets are $19 for kama'aina, or a combo rate (DeLima, Bumatai and Ogata) for $35, representing a $5 savings. Reservations: 923-7469.

Island-style charms

We've all heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve. Now you can wear the Islands on your arm, or ankle, or toe with little charms from Charming Hawaii.

The company started with stretch bracelets for kids and tweens and is now adding Island-style charms — turtles, rubber slippers, surfers, hula girls — that can be purchased individually or already on a bracelet.

The charms also have claw clasps so they can be attached to anything. Chains are $10 and charms are $6 each at retailers such as Hilo Hattie, Kailua Beach Walk, Blue Ginger and Honolulu Surf Co. stores.

Running for literacy

When she was attending the London School of Economics in 1998, Jennifer Li (pictured) didn't know a soul in England except Katy Chen, a friend from Hawai'i who happened to be living there. Chen opened her heart and home to Li. Now Li is returning the aloha. An avid runner since junior high school at Punahou, with four marathons under her belt, Li is dedicating her participation in Sunday's Honolulu Marathon to the agency of which Chen is executive director, Hawaii Literacy Inc.

In her "Run for Literacy" campaign, Li, 29, asks folks to pledge $1 per mile over the 26.2-mile course.

To donate, see www.literacynet.org/hilit or send a check to Hawaii Literacy, 200 N. Vineyard, No. 320, Honolulu, HI 96817.