Kamehameha student goes solo in winning OHA's debate competition
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A Kamehameha Schools student assigned to argue against federal recognition of Native Hawaiians was judged the winner of the second annual Na 'Oiwi 'Olino debate competition, sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
The debate, which took place Saturday at the East-West Center, will air at 7 tonight on KFVE.
Lindsey Doi, whose partner was unable to attend the debate, became the one-person negative debate team facing the resolution "Should the United States government recognize Native Hawaiians as indigenous aboriginal Americans?"
Teams had prepared to argue both the affirmative and negative positions of the resolution and were told only that morning which side they would be taking.
The debate was part of a Na 'Oiwi 'Olino competition that also included poster and essay divisions.
Here are the other winners:
English essay, Grades 4-5: Louis Roseguo, Ke Kula 'O Nawahiokalani'opu'u Iki Laboratory, island of Hawai'i.
English essay, Grades 6-8: Ulanaihouokahialoha Kalahiki-Anthony, Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Pu'ohala, O'ahu.
Hawaiian essay, Grades 4-5: Anoalo Stanley, Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Pu'ohala, O'ahu.
Hawaiian essay, Grades 6-8: Kawena'ula Elkington, Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Pu'ohala, O'ahu.
Poster, Grades K-1: Sariah Lopez, Ke Kula Kaiapuni Hawai'i o Kapa'a, Kaua'i.
Poster Grades 2-3: Keala Lopez, Ke Kula Kaiapuni Hawai'i o Kapa'a, Kaua'i.
Poster, Grades 4-5: Lauren Chow, Kualapu'u Elementary School, Moloka 'i.
Poster, Grades 6-8: Ku'ulei Bezilla, Ke Kula 'O Nawahiokalani'opu'u Iki Laboratory, Hawai'i.
Poster, Grades 9-12 (and overall winner): Jessica Svendsen, Kanu o ka 'Aina, Kaua'i.
Photo essay, Grades 4-5: Chalice Chun-Gilliland, Pa'ia Elementary School, Maui.