Health Calendar
THE POWER TO STOP SMOKING, Bob Smith shows how hypnotherapy can be used in smoking cessation, 9 to 11 a.m. today, Honolulu Medical Group, third-floor conference room; $40. Reservations required: 537-2211, ext. 581.
NATIONAL CHILDREN'S MEMORIAL DAY candle-lighting, a worldwide memorial organized by the Compassionate Friends for bereaved parents, siblings, relatives and friends who have lost children, 6 p.m. tomorrow, La Pietra-Hawaii School for Girls courtyard. Also: harp, flute and bagpipe music. Information: 524-7400.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS WORKSHOP, how to build your natural immune system, presented by Mark Hoffman, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Island Family Chiropractic; free. Reservations: 596-0599.
HIS HOLINESS GAYUNA CEALO, a Burmese Buddhist monk from Japan, and the Global Harmony Band, 7 p.m. Monday, Ala Moana Park, McCoy Pavilion. Donation: $15; kids free.
FREE FLU SHOTS for Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) members and Medicare Part B recipients, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday, Ward Warehouse, Kaka'ako Room. (Nonmembers: $20, while supplies last.)