Christmas spirit is upon us
By H. Murray Hohns
The Christmas season is upon us, and our stores, radios, TV and newspapers remind us continually that this is the season to be jolly.
I like to go down to Honolulu Hale and look at the children who are fascinated with the promise and hope that there will be something under the tree for them, a big special present that is something wonderful and just what they hoped for.
Christmas brings out the best in some of us, and the worst, too. I think of the very religious among us.
I've met some so religious that they will not have a pagan Christmas tree in their homes. No presents for them. No sir!
Then, too, some of those religious folks wrinkle their noses at the commercialization of this important high, holy day. To each their own, I guess, but I do not feel guilty for enjoying the pomp and pageantry of the holiday season. I like pomp and pageantry and all the fixings.
My wife always enjoys this time of year. She loves to decorate and over the years has amassed a vast collection of elves, Santas and other toy people that will inhabit all the shelves and tabletops in our home.
My wife likes to fill the house with Christmas songs, and I will feel warm and fuzzy about days gone by and remembering all the wonderful holidays I have experienced. One year, back in Pennsylvania, we were snowed in and could not get to Grandma's house.
I write a Christmas letter at the end of November, and my wife addresses hundreds of envelopes to people we have met over the years. We both enjoy opening cards from so many friends once so close and dear but now separated by time and distance as life shifts.
We like to go downtown and see the lights. We walk through the grounds and look at the exhibits and displays. Nowadays all sorts of folks share the opportunity to present different displays than those which in my earlier years were the traditional Christmas trappings. Some of my churchgoing friends get upset with this, but there is truly room for all, and it's nice and fun to look at all the different displays with the hard work that went into them.
We live in a wonderful place filled with aloha, that special love that makes all welcome and wanted. That's what Christmas is all about. Imagine the first Christmas when the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth to men of good will." Are you a person of good will?
If you are, you can make this time of the year even lovelier than all the decorations, music and special events. You can reach out and touch your neighbor with love. That's called being lovable. Then you will feel Christmassy all over; your holidays will be filled with good cheer and be the best time of the year.
H. Murray Hohns of Makiki is a retired engineer and an associate pastor at New Hope Christian Fellowship. Expressions of Faith is a column that welcomes written works by leaders in faith and spirituality. E-mail or call 525-8035. Articles submitted to The Advertiser may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms.