Posted on: Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Dec. 20 Eldredge Athletics Winter Baseball Clinics. At Mililani High baseball complex. Ages 9 to 15, hitting: 9 a.m. to noon, fielding: 1 to 4 p.m. Fee: $40 per clinic or $75 for both. Information: Sue Eldredge 681-5681 or Basketball
Feb. 27 Deadline for La Pietra Girls Preseason Basketball Classic, on March 4-6. Intermediate (7th through 9th grades). Fee: $75 ($85 after Feb. 27). Information: Bernie Paloma, 737-8464 or La Pietra athletic director Katie Bourne 922-2744.
Dec. 14 Mililani Girls Volleyball Club tryouts for ages 15 to 16, 9:30 a.m. at Mililani District Park gym. Information: David,625-7329. Needed
Dec. 27 Kailua High School Alumni Game, players needed. At Kailua High School Field. Game starts at 10 a.m. Information: Stanton Tamaye, 722-3014.