Posted on: Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Tactful (and healthful) gifts for the weight-disadvantaged
By Charles Stuart Platkin
Maybe not. A recent survey conducted by Jenny Craig revealed that approximately 80 percent of people would appreciate receiving a health-related gift item during the holidays, and 69 percent would consider giving such a gift.
So if you don't want a sour "thank you" and a fake smile of happiness when someone opens your gift, use my list of tactful but healthy gifts for the weight disadvantaged:
Literary connoiseurs
Be cautious here this can be a disaster, as was the case when a cousin of mine received a diet book from her mother for Christmas. When she opened the gift, she burst into tears, retreated to her room, and refused to eat for the rest of the weekend. Avoid all diet books they just don't send a good message.
Fitness books, on the other hand, usually go over well. For fitness beginners, I like "The Pocket Trainer: Strength Training Guide"(Flexor Press, $19.95). This book has great exercises with photos and easy-to-follow descriptions.
Healthy cookbooks are also wonderful presents. "The Golden Door Cooks Light & Easy" (Gibbs Smith Publisher, $29.95) by Michel Stroot has some delicious, easy recipes. If you can find his first book, "The Golden Door Cookbook" it's a favorite of mine, and it also includes nutrition information for all recipes.
Chef Cary Neff, of Miraval Resort and Spa fame, has a splendid book called "Conscious Cuisine" (Sourcebooks Trade, $39.95). The American Heart Association has a new book out with recipes and nutrition information called "One-Dish Meals" (Clarkson Potter, $23.95).
Basket cases
For a memorable gift, you can create your own "health basket" using any or all of the following: cooking or fitness books, pedometers, cardio or yoga DVDs (a great starting point is Yoga Journal's "Yoga Step-by-Step" series available at, jump ropes, stretching bands, an exercise or yoga mat, and even a heart rate monitor (Consumer Reports recommends the Polar A3, which costs about $80). If you're more interested in sending a healthy food basket, order online from or (their fruit and vegetable baskets are preferable skip the baskets with cakes and other high-calorie foods).
Or you can simply get a great looking basket from a crafts shop, buy some firm and clear cellophane paper, and go to the best fruit and vegetable stand in your neighborhood. Fill the basket with an assortment of fruits and vegetables, including: pears, oranges, apples, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, grapes, and pineapples.
Subtle reminders
Magazines and newsletters make terrific gifts they're inexpensive, and with a new issue every month, they're truly the gift that keeps on giving. In terms of selecting magazines that are inspiring, motivating and packed with high quality information, my picks for women are Fitness, Self, and Shape, and for men, hands down, Men's Health is the best out there.
As for newsletters, Food & Fitness Advisor offers cutting-edge nutrition and health information at (800) 829-2505, and the Nutrition Action Healthletter has excellent advice in an easy-to-read format (
Fitness mania
You're always seeing those exercise machines on late night infomercials do they work? Consumer Reports recently reviewed some of the top sellers, and unfortunately, the best ones are a bit expensive. For aerobics, the Treadclimber by Nautilus (TC3000) tested very well and costs $2,000, (800) 436-7114. For strength training, Consumer Reports recommends the Bowflex Power Pro XTLU, also expensive at $1,750, (888) 577-1052.
Does this mean that you have to spend a fortune on a fitness gift for the home? Not really. You can get someone a bicycle Giant makes a great beach bike called the Simple Cruiser for around $200; it's comfortable, lightweight, and made for anyone, not just athletes.
You can also get other workout classics like cast iron dumbbells, which cost about $.50 per pound (e.g., a pair of 20-pound weights would cost $20). For women, three, five, and eight pound weights are typically appropriate, and 10, 15, 25, and 30 pound weights for men.
Exercise balls are another inexpensive gift at about $20 to $35, but remember to buy the optional pump for an additional $15 ( Another hot product that is regaining popularity is the medicine ball they run anywhere from $15 to $50. Certifiable
Another idea is to give your friend or relative a membership to a fitness club or yoga studio. Or even better, buy him or her dance or tennis lessons. How about a gift certificate for a session with a qualified personal trainer (ACSM certified)? You can even hire a personal chef to cook your gift recipient a healthy meal for about $50 to $100. Another unique idea is to treat someone to a series of hiking, walking, or biking tours.
Charles Stuart Platkin is a syndicated health, nutrition, and fitness columnist, author of the best-selling book, Breaking the Pattern (Red Mill Press, 2002), and founder of Integrated Wellness Solutions. This column is made possible by a grant from the Institute for Nutrition & Behavioral Sciences. Write to's that time of year again, when we have to wrack our brains to come up with creative and original gifts that will satisfy our friends and relatives. I've been thinking about this one friend in particular. He's a little overweight, and each year I have a battle about what to get him I envy those in other professions who can get away with giving chocolates and fattening foods the last thing anyone wants is a "healthy" gift, right?