Posted on: Sunday, December 21, 2003
Advertiser Staff
Tag No. 15770
Foudini is a magical cat who needs a new spot to show off his tricks. This 2-year-old male is exceptionally friendly, neutered, ready to disappear from the Cat House and reappear in your home. Adopt another cat or kitten for one adoption fee. Take two!
Tag No. 792
Stanley is an enthusiastic brindle tan-and-black hound mix who is about 2 years old, the perfect age for a training class, and he is eager to learn. This slender, friendly guy gets along well with most dogs and would love to join an active family who will spend time with him.
Tag No. 850
This 4-year-old male chow mix is called Duke but he could have another name. He was found Dec. 5 and remains unclaimed at the humane society.
If you have lost this handsome red-brown dog, please visit the shelter to claim him.
These particular animals already may have found new homes. The Hawaiian Humane Society and McInerny Dog Park at 2700 Wai'alae Ave. are open noon to 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends, Dec. 24 and Dec. 26. The shelter is closed Christmas Day except for the incoming-animals area and emergency rescue. If you've lost or found an animal, call the society immediately at 946-2187, ext. 285. See www.hawaiianhumane.orgFoudini