Students show spirit of season
By Lee Cataluna
Advertiser Columnist
For the past month, teachers at Keolu Elementary have been talking to students about the "giving season."
It started around Thanksgiving, when the school's student council sponsored a canned-food drive for the needy. The little school with just 213 students came up with 800 cans.
The Keolu student council decided to reward the class that collected the most cans. The prize would be an ice cream party. The fourth grade, which consists of one class with 25 kids taught by Kathy Young, won the prize.
But the kids decided they didn't want the ice cream.
Instead, they opted to take the money that would have been used for the party and give it to a homeless woman who lives near and sometimes at their school.
"We try to talk to the students about how we can make a difference in the small things that we do every day, and that's what makes our world better," Young said. "I asked them, did you guys bring in canned goods because you wanted an ice cream party? They said no, that none of them were working for the ice cream party. I was so glad because that really showed that what we had talked about, the giving season, it had really sunk in for them."
The homeless woman is someone the kids see often. She has been homeless for many years, moving from park to park, and is well known in the community. The kids talk to her sometimes, and the teachers will share lunches or a soda with her every so often. But mostly, the Keolu staff says, she keeps to herself and doesn't bother anyone. They worry about her, though, and wish she could find permanent shelter.
Lyn Wong, the school's reading program teacher and student council adviser, e-mailed principal Ron Nazoe about the students' decision.
"He wrote back with this huge "wow" in capital letters like he couldn't believe it. He said, "WOW! How did they come up with that?"
Wong took the $25 that had been allotted for the ice cream party and bought a gift card from Safeway. She considered getting a food basket, but decided, because the woman doesn't have access to a kitchen, that a gift card would be more practical. Earlier this week, Wong set out to find the homeless woman and give her the gift.
"I just told her that the class decided to give up their ice cream party so that we could do something special for you. And she had tears in her eyes, and she was like, 'Oh, can I go thank them now?' "
Wong had to tell her that the kids are on break until Jan. 5 and that she'd have to wait until then.
"This has been her neighborhood for many, many years. She's a part of the community and people look out for her," Wong said. "This was such a small thing, just a $25 gift card, but she was very, very touched."
Lee Cataluna's column runs Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Reach her at 535-8172 or