Recent donations
Advertiser Staff
Recent donations to The Advertiser Christmas Fund:
- Josiana Tehoukaline $10
- Bennet Baird $20
- From HMI $20
- Constance Wheeler $20
- Jorge and Juanita Cabison $25
- Joyce Cook $25
- Edwards Design
- Group, Inc. $25
- Alice and Arthur Fink $25
- From Carol Smith $25
- From Gloria Cooper $25
- From Mabel Cooper $25
- From Walt Smith $25
- Carl Hodel $25
- In Memory of Francis Tanji $25
- In Memory of Henry Tanji $25
- In Memory of Jack Pappas $25
- In Memory of Pepper $25
- In Memory of Jean Gotshall $25
- In Memory of Paul Kobayashi $25
- In Memory of Shigeo Tanji $25
- Hokuala Johnson $25
- Carol and Takenobu Kadena $25
- Kalaheo High School Faculty $25
- Kalaheo High School Freshman Class $25
- Kalaheo High School GRADs (Teen Parents) $25
- Kalaheo High School Junior Class $25
- Kalaheo High School Ms. Giannasio's ESLL $25
- Kalaheo High School Senior Class $25
- Kalaheo High School Sophomore Class $25
- Kalaheo High School Staff & Administration $25
- Daniel Lai Sr. $25
- Steven Lum $25
- Ruby and Hubert Maeda $25
- Gayle and Bert Mizukami $25
- Rosalie and Ronald Nakashima $25
- Alvina and Ivan Nakatsuka $25
- Nancy and Garman Pond $25
- John and Aileen Potter $25
- John Robellor Jr. $25
- James Sandobal and Leroy Spencer $25
- Walter and Debra Whitten $25
- Taharaa Wong and Pedro Barreto $25
- Ronald Yoshimoto $25
- Ronald and Eugenia Young $25
- Gordon and Carol Liu $30
- Jean Adams $50
- Cash Management $50
- In Memory of Grandpa Herbert Hee and Dad Reynold Leong $50
- Matthew and Christie Mukai $50
- Robyn Arrington $100
- GRJ Realty, LLC $100
- In Memory of Charlie Chiswick $100
- In Memory of Chick $100
- In Memory of Paul Morihara $100
- Paul and Ruth Izawa $100
- Curtis Lee $100
- Crispin Mulligan $100
- Thomas and Linda Randle $100
- Remembering Yoshiro $100
- Marie and Steven Scott $100
- Kevin Steiger $100
- Brian Hughes $150
- William Hunt $150
- Garret Choy $200
- Janet and Stanley Dalbec $200
- Alice and Fred Lunt $200
- Mary and Bradley Oliver $200
- Anna Elento-Sneed and David Sneed $500
- In Memory of Muriel & Walter Flanders $1,000
- Anonymous $25
- Anonymous $25
- Anonymous $25
- Anonymous $25
- Anonymous $50
- Anonymous $50
- Anonymous $50
- Anonymous $50
- Anonymous $50
- Anonymous $100
- Anonymous $100
- Anonymous $500
Total: $6,200
Total to date: $84,266.74