Wasabi REAL wasabi is worth its high price
By Wanda A. Adams
Advertiser Food Editor
That hot green stuff you have been dabbing on your sushi, stirring into your beurre blanc the one that comes in a can and sometimes a tube? It's not wasabi. It's a blend of Western-style horseradish and mustard powder with coloring and other ingredients designed to give it texture.
Gregory Yamamoto The Honolulu Advertiser
Wasabi is often termed Japanese horseradish, but it's actually the the thick main root of a plant called Wasabi japonica, a low-growing upright plant about the size and shape of a radish plant above ground with leaves that somewhat resemble gingko leaves in shape.
In Hawai'i, authentic wasabi comes packaged or as chunks of the root.
Once you experience real wasabi either fresh-grated, chopped and frozen or made into a paste you won't want to go back. Except for the sticker shock.
On O'ahu, fresh wasabi sells for $69 a pound at Marukai (a membership store, but well worth the $10 annual fee like a little trip to Japan); the two pieces you see on this page cost $13.80. Tubes of frozen chopped (kizami) wasabi (distributed by Noh) are $3.69, also at Marukai. Or you can mail-order fresh wasabi in tubes from Pacific Farms of Eugene, Ore., the country's only commercial grower, for $24.99 for six tubes, total weight half a pound: or (800) 927-2248.
The good news is that a little goes a long way, and fresh wasabi has a long shelf life. To store fresh wasabi, wrap in damp paper towels, keep refrigerated, rinse in cold water once a week; it should keep for 30 days. Trim any dark edges and grate, then chop with back of a knife to release more flavor. Compress into a ball and let stand 5-10 minutes at room temperature.
Spread on sashimi and dip in shoyu. Mix with shoyu and drizzle over tofu. Scatter over a bowl of noodles.
Sources: "Food Lover's Companion" by Sharon Tyler Herbst; Pacific Farms