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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, February 20, 2003

Make your own denim skirt

By Paula Rath
Advertiser Staff Writer

Jennifer Yoshimori turned an old pair of jeans into a skirt through a fairly simple process.

Gregory Yamamoto • The Honolulu Advertiser

Denim never seems to go out of style — but the clothes made of it might.

What to do once those pants aren't mod any more? Cut them up and make something new.

Advertiser Fashion Forum member Jennifer Yoshimori decided to make a skirt out of her old jeans. She calls it "Victoria's Secrets Revealed."

How long it took: three hours.

Inspired by: "I had a pair of jeans I didn't like and wanted to make them into something wearable."

Materials used: thread and a sewing machine.

What she did: ripped out the seam that runs down inside of pant leg (inseam) and sewed front of leg to back at sides and seams down front and back. Cut a slit in back to facilitate walking.