Save money by getting better gas mileage from your car
By Matt Nauman
Knight Ridder News Service
With gas topping $2 a gallon in many parts of the country, many drivers are asking how they can get better fuel mileage and save some money. And dedicated penny-pinchers are discovering that their fuel-miserly ways save nickels, dimes and quarters these days.
"Shop aggressively," said Jenny Mack of AAA of Northern California. "Just because you always buy your gas at the corner station doesn't mean there isn't a better deal around the next corner."
As the auto-club spokeswoman notes, prices can range dramatically, even within a few blocks. Consider shopping at a independent station instead of buying brand-name gas, Mack said, because "gas is the same gas is gas."
Here are some other tips, culled from AAA and other sources:
Only buy premium if your vehicle's owner manual calls for it. Most cars do fine with regular unleaded that's always cheaper.
Check your tires. Underinflated tires mean worse fuel economy, about 1 percent for every 3 pounds below recommended pressure.
Drive better. Jack-rabbit starts and abrupt stops burn more gasoline.
Drive cleaner. "A poorly tuned engine burns more fuel, so fuel economy will suffer," according to the Environmental Protection Agency. When getting a tune-up, make sure your air filter is clean, too.
Drive smarter. Combine your errands into one trip as a warmed-up engine and catalyst improves fuel economy and lowers air pollution. Try to avoid rush-hour traffic.
Drive slower. According to the "Green Book," a publication of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, driving 75 mph instead of 65 mph will lower your fuel economy by about 10 percent.
Empty your trunk. "Doing something as simple as lightening the load in the car can also improve your fuel efficiency," Mack said. Take out your golf clubs when you're not playing that day, for instance. An extra 100 pounds in your trunk reduces fuel economy by 1 percent, according to the ACEEE.
Leave the Hummer or Enzo Ferrari at home. It's not uncommon these days for a family to have two, three or even four vehicles in their personal fleet. In most cases, the smallest, lightest car gets the best gas mileage.
Finally, if you're in the market for a new or used car, visit, the government Web site that reveals the fuel-mileage numbers for all 2003 models. Also, at, the ACEEE rates vehicles in all segments. So even if you're buying a sport utility or a full-size pickup, you can find one that gets better mileage.