Updating denim your way
By Paula Rath
Advertiser Staff Writer
Rachel Borg altered the look of a pair of jeans with a little dye, fabric glue and some stripes.
Gregory Yamamoto The Honolulu Advertiser |
Members of The Advertiser's Fashion Forum each were inspired by the challenge to turn out a one-of-a-kind denim piece, turning a pair of jeans into a style statement.
Here's one of the results. Let's call it "The '60s Vibe."
Designer: Rachel Borg.
How long it took: Four hours.
Inspired by: The 1960s.
Materials used: Two pairs of jeans from Savers, one striped and one solid denim, Rit dye, fabric glue.
What she did: Ripped both pairs of jeans apart, took off the pockets, dyed the plain denim darker, inserted stripes into the side seams.