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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Friday, January 3, 2003

Sports notices

Advertiser Staff



• Ongoing — Lokahi Ki-Aikido Adult Classes. At Jodo Mission. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Call for times. Fee: $25 a month. Information: Adrian, 677-1763.

• Ongoing — Lokahi Ki-Aikido Child Classes. At Waipahu Rec Center. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Call for times. Fee: $15 a month. Information: Adrian, 677-1763.


• Jan. 12, 19, 26 — Fall baseball workouts. Conditioning and agility drills, workouts with medicine balls, eye concentration, ground and fly balls, swing. Fee $120 for three Sundays. Information: Dane Shimabuku, 735-1196, or Dean Sato, 306-8282.

• Saturday — Wai-Kahala Spring Registration. Boys and girls ages 5-12. At Kahala Recreation Center, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information: Bruce Campbell, 735-7811, or Aaron Kekoolani, 739-9696.

• Jan. 4, 7, 9, 11— Kailua Little League Registration. For baseball, softball and t-ball. Males and females ages 5-18 as of July 31, 2003. Must bring birth certificate and medical insurance card. Information: Dean Hughes, 262-4402.

• Saturday-Sunday — Kaimuki Little League Registration. At Kahala Mall, near Champs Sports. Ages 5 and older. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Bring copy of birth certificate.


• Today — Deadline for 5-on-5 Open League. At Damien Memorial High School. Teams limited to two college players. Fee: $400 per team. Space limited to first 10 teams. Information: Scott, 295-0350.

• Saturdays through January — Sole Fundamentals Girls Basketball Clinic. At St. Andrew's Priory Gym. Seven sessions. Session #1 (Grades 3-6): 9:30-11:30 a.m. Session #2 (Grades 7-12): noon-2 p.m. Fee: $50. Information: St. Andrew's Priory Athletic Dept., 532-2461 or Ross Kinsler, 282-8300.


• Jan. 10 — Deadline for Waikiki Swim Club Magic Island Biathlon. Jan. 19 at Ala Moana Park and Magic Island. 7:30 a.m. start. 2.5-mile run, 1000-meter swim. Fee: individuals $20, two-person relay $35. Information: Marie Wagner, 597-1372.

• Jan. 31 — Deadline for Waikiki Swim Club His N' Hers Valentines Biathlon. Sunday, Feb. 9 at Ala Moana Beach Park. 2.5-mile run, 1000-meter swim. 7:30 a.m. start. Fee: $35 per team, includes two long-sleeve T-shirts. Information: Jim or Pat Wiencke 395-7704.


• Sunday — Hawai'i TV Bowling, Open Singles. At 'Aiea Bowl. Qualifying at 9 a.m., TV taping 12:30 p.m. Fee: $65 pre-pay, $70 walk-in. Admission: Free. Information: Scot, 571-0965 (pager).

• Jan. 12 — Hawai'i TV Bowling, Open Singles. At Barbers Point Bowling Center. Qualifying at 9 a.m., TV taping 12:30 p.m. Fee: $65 pre-pay, $70 walk-in. Admission: Free. Information: Scot, 571-0965 (pager).

• Jan. 19 — Hawai'i TV Bowling, Seniors/Women's Singles. At Barbers Point Bowling Center. Qualifying at 9 a.m., TV taping 12:30 p.m. Fee: $65 pre-pay, $70 walk-in. Admission: Free. Information: Scot, 571-0965 (pager).

• Jan. 26 — Hawai'i TV Bowling, Open Singles. At 'Aiea Bowl. Qualifying at 9 a.m., TV taping 12:30 p.m. Fee: $65 pre-pay, $70 walk-in. Admission: Free. Information: Scot, 571-0965 (pager).


• Ongoing — American Karate Kai Classes. At 'Ewa Beach Kamiloa Elementary School and 'Aina Haina Holy Nativity Church gym. Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-7 p.m. Self-defense classes available for women. Information: Sensei Lee Donohue, 396-9297.


• Saturday-Sunday — Memo Gidley Karting Clinic. At Windward Mall's back parking lot, off Ha'iku Road and Alaloa Street, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $25. Professional racecar driver Memo Gidley will be giving classroom lessons and on-track instructions. Participants must have own go-karts. Information: Scott Waracka, 262-5687.


• Sunday — Mid-Pacific Road Runners Club Pearlridge 2-Mile Run. 7 a.m. Start and finish at Pearlridge Shopping Center. Registration begins at 6 a.m. Fee: $5 for non-members, $2 for members. Information: Geoff Howard, 295-6777.

• Jan. 18-19 — Hawaiian Ultra Running Team (HURT) 100-Mile Endurance Run. Run begins on 1 a.m. Saturday and goes for 36 hours. Information: Greg Cuadra, 949-5530 or 831-0524.


• Jan. 15 — Coed Softball League starts, weekends in town, Information: Chuck King, 536-8858.

• Jan. 20 — Men's 12" Softball League starts, Monday nights at KŒnewai Field, Information: Chuck King, 536-8858.

• Jan. 21 — Men's 14" Softball League starts, Tuesday nights at Moanalua Field. Information: Chuck King, 536-8858.


• USA 1-2-3 tennis lessons. At Diamond Head Tennis Center. For beginners and advanced beginners, ages 6-13. Fee: six one-hour lessons for $24. Lessons held 4-5 p.m. or 5-6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Loaner rackets and tennis balls provided. Information: Madeleine Dreith, 955-6696 or Maurice Lucas, 497-3820.

• Jan. 10 — Deadline for O'ahu Tennis League winter season. Begins Jan. 20, six-week season. Singles and doubles. Information: 381-6848.


• Jan. 4, 11 — Ho'olehua Volleyball Club Open Tryouts for Girls. At Susannah Wesley Community Center gym. 14-under. 3-4:30 p.m. Information: 741-5828 or e-mail hoolehuavball@aol.com.

• Jan. 4, 11 — Windward Volleyball coed League/PAL Registration. At Kailua Gym, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Boys & girls ages 7-14. Fee: $35. Information: Pam Gomes, 262-2157.



• Aerobics instructor needed for Asing Community Park in 'Ewa. Information: Paul Kelly, 681-6435.


• Umpires needed for Pearl City Little League games for 2002-03 season. Information: Merv, 456-4797.

• Umpires needed for Mililani PONY youth baseball season. Experience not necessary. Information: Mike Connolly, 625-2192.

• Coaches for the 2003 West O'ahu Little League season. Information: Adrian Salas, 341-2025.


• Hawai'i State Basketball Officials Association looking for O'ahu Interscholastic Association officials. Information: Samuel Delos Reyes, 285-5152 or at zbraref@aol.com

• Hawai'i Basketball Association looking for coaches for girls and boys 6 to 15-under age divisions. Interested parties must attend coaches certification workshop Nov. 3, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Information: 223-5620.


• The Real Hawai'i Futbol Club. Looking for soccer players to participate in HYSA League play. Information: Sean Richardson, 330-7325 or e-mail sir@hawaii.rr.com.


• Men's Softball Team. Looking for a league to play with in the 'Aiea area. Leagues interested call: Jamey Dillon 486-3584 or dillonj@cybertron.com with your league information.

• Wailau Girls Amateur Softball Association, accepting registrations, from ages 6-23. Contact: Ona Young, 497-7819.


• Ke Ahi Girls Volleyball Club, looking for coaches for ages 12-16. Information: Bill Andrade, 263-4211 or Lyle Hosoda, 262-6814.

• Lanakila Volleyball Club. Looking for girls volleyball coach for ages 12-14. Must be available for practices during weekdays 4-6 p.m. and weekends for tournament play. Information: Alvin, 521-9451.

• Hawai'i Junior Volleyball Club. Looking for girls ages 10-16. Information: John Stanley, 395-6536 or 220-1528.

• Ho'olehua Volleyball Club. Looking for coaches for ages 14 and 16. Weekday practices, 5-7 p.m. and Saturday tournaments and practices. Travel to outer islands and California. Information: 741-5828 or e-mail hoolehuavball@aol.com.


To have your event included in upcoming sports notices, please write to:

Sports Notices
c/o Advertiser Sports
P.O. Box 3110
Honolulu, HI 96802

You can also fax your information to (808) 525-5491 or e-mail it to: sports@honoluluadvertiser.com.

Preference is given to nonprofit organizations and special recreational events. Participation fees and deadlines must be included. Club information is accepted, space does not permit publication of private class/instruction offerings.

Remember to include names, dates, deadlines, telephone contact number.