Community Calendar
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THREE KINGS CELEBRATION (traditional Latin American Christmas) by the United Puerto Rican Association starting with noon Mass at St. John the Baptist Church, 2324 Omilo Lane then 1-5 p.m. at United Puerto Rican Association of Hawai'i social hall, 1249 N. School St., Kalihi; Spanish chorale group, Nativity skit, gifts for the children, lunch, music, entertainment and dancing; adult $5, children under 10 free; public welcome. 847-2751.
ISRAELI CIRCLE DANCING 1 to 4 p.m., Ala Wai Golf Course club, off Kapahulu Avenue, mauka-'ewa of the Waikiki/Kapahulu Public Library; $3 fee, first hour. 674-0155.
EUROPEAN TRAVELOGUE with emphasis on Scandanavia by retired high school science teacher Carey Fletcher, 10 to 11 a.m., Central Union Church, Women's Building, South Beretania and Punahou streets; free; come early for stretching exercises, bring lunch, stay after for card and board games. 941-0957.
MARINE LIFE CLASSES for children ages 1 through 3 and their parents either 8:30 to 10 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.-noon on five consecutive Wednesdays starting this week, 2777 Kalakaua Ave.; all five sessions $70 per adult/child team; limited class size; registration required. 923-9741, directory option #6.
NA TUTU COALITION meeting for grandparents raising their grandchildren 10 a.m., Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, Ko'olau Poko Unit, 46-316 Ha'iku Road, Kane'ohe. 235-7747.
"MEN ARE FROM VENUS, WOMEN ARE FROM MARS" SEMINAR with Michael Najarian 7 to 9 p.m. (also 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday), Prince Kuhio Hotel, 2500 Kuhio Ave.; Mars & Venus Radio 6-10 a.m. Mon.-Fri., AM 990; Mars & Venus Support Groups for men and women, learn to deepen personal sharing and listening; free. 737-6277.
TALK STORY about the value of your library essay contest deadline; pick up entry forms at your local library, fill them out and return to library staff. 831-6877.
"HOW TO GROW A MUSICAL CHILD," class on how to encourage music appreciation and develop musical talent in your child, 3 p.m., Keiki Kani Music Studio, 99-016A Kamehameha Highway, 'Aiea, behind Dixie Grill; free; call to reserve a seat. 487-2275.
SELF-ACTUALIZATION event by David Wicker, who will attempt to snap a sharp arrow with his throat to show that we can do anything we believe we can do, 1 to 2:30 p.m., Ho-nolulu Club, 923 Ward Ave.; free mini-seminars featured, free prizes; event repeats 1 to 2:30 p.m. Jan. 18, Yoga Studio, 131 Hekili St., Kailua and 1 to 2:30 p.m. Jan. 25, Oahu Club of Kailua, 6800 Hawai'i Kai Drive; call Apollovision for further information. 341-7999.
SIERRA CLUB Miconia removal service project, possibly in Manoa; volunteers needed; call for details. 538-6616.
SAFE BOATING CLASSES for skippers and would-be skippers, teenage through adult, 7 p.m. on consecutive Mondays, starting Jan. 13, Waikiki Yacht Club, at the entrance to Ala Moana Park; free, nominal charge for instruction materials; early registration advised; sponsored by Honolulu Sail and Power Squadron; boat ownership not required; graduates who join the Squadron are eligible for 14 advanced navigating and marine equipment courses. 926-1122.
KOREAN CENTENNIAL CONCERT, featuring some of Korea's biggest superstars, including Patty Kim, Sook-sun Ahn, Young-Nam Cho, Hyun Chul, Dae-Kwan Song, Taejinah, Jung-hyun and more, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 14, Waikiki Shell; free tickets available at KBFD TV, Korea Times, Korea Central Daily, Radio Korea, Kalihi Queen's Super Market, Palama Supermarket, Hyundae Supermarket, Shilla Restaurant, Seoul Jung Restaurant and Sorabol Restaurant. 342-6437.
HONOLULU CHORALE needs singers for performances at concerts, hotels, and nursing and retirement homes, join them at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 14, St. Andrew's School for Girls, 224 Queen Emma Square; call Mal for further information. 538-0196.