Will they dance or will they duke it out?
By Jerry Burris
Advertiser Editorial Editor
An old friend once described the way wary politicos approach each other when they know they might end up disagreeing as "The Dance of the Ruffled Grouse."
If you want to see a good example of this dance as now performed, wander over to the state Capitol after Wednesday, where the 2003 legislative session will have convened.
The new Republican Lingle administration is wondering just what it can expect from the Democrat-controlled House and Senate. And Democratic leaders in the Legislature are wondering what they will see from the new administration.
To some degree, this dance occurs after every change of administration. But the air of uncertainty is palpably stronger this time around. Part of the reason is that the past three governors were a fairly well-known quantity; each served in the Legislature before moving on.
And while many lawmakers know Lingle from her years as Maui mayor and councilwoman, they have not had as much direct experience working with her.
So each side will be approaching with a degree of caution and uncertainty.
One of the trickiest things for both sides will be to find the right language and style to deal with their differences.
Democratic leaders already have signaled that some of Lingle's ideas and plans will have a tough time getting off the ground. Sometimes this is because of actual, philosophical disagreement; other times it's because experienced legislators sincerely do not think her proposals can be accomplished.
But how do they get this message across without appearing obstructionist? It's a delicate balancing act.
"We don't want to appear to be resistant just for partisan purposes," said one Senate Democrat. "but some of these things just aren't going to fly."
Lingle already has signaled that while she expects debate and disagreement at times, she won't sit still for what she sees as partisan obstructionism.
At a speech last week, Lingle was asked whether she would be involved in the 2004 mid-term elections. Her answer was blunt: Yes, she will be involved, letting the voters know which lawmakers were "helpful" and which were "obstructionist."
"If it becomes clear that there are certain members of the Legislature that simply for partisan reasons don't want to allow improvements to occur in our state, then I'm going to use my ability to communicate to let the public know who those people are," she said.
How all this will play out will be signaled by the tone of speeches, on opening day, by leadership in the House and Senate, and on the following Monday when Lingle delivers her first State of the State address.
There will be plenty of positive, flowery language about cooperation. But read carefully between the lines: Are the two sides really ready to dance, or are they preparing to duel?
Reach Jerry Burris through letters@honoluluadvertiser.com.