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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, January 16, 2003

Call 911 if parked car is hazard

By Gordon Y.K. Pang
Advertiser Staff Writer

Q. How do I obtain the rules for street parking? The side streets of Kaka'ako and Kalihi, for example, are always cluttered with vehicles parked where sidewalks should be. This is a safety concern for pedestrians as well as drivers. Vehicles are also double-parked or parked too closely to street corners, which causes poor visibility for those turning in or out of the lanes.

A. If you believe a parked car is creating a traffic hazard, call 911. A police officer can determine if there is a violation.

"Usually, common sense applies," said Capt. Jose Gaytan of the Honolulu Police Department's Traffic Division. He refers to the city Traffic Code, which can be found in Chapter 15 of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu.

Here are general rules:

  • A vehicle cannot block a public or private driveway.
  • A vehicle cannot park within 4 feet of a driveway.
  • A vehicle cannot park on a sidewalk.
  • A vehicle cannot park within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
  • Double-parking is illegal.
  • A vehicle cannot park within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. If a crosswalk is at mid-block, a vehicle cannot park within 20 feet from the approaching side. It's OK to park on the "far," or non-approaching, side of a mid-block crosswalk.
  • If there is no crosswalk at an intersection, parking is banned along the part of the sidewalk that is curved.
  • A vehicle cannot park within 75 feet of the approaching side of a signalized intersection, 30 feet on the other side.
  • A vehicle cannot park within 30 feet of the approaching side of a flashing beacon or sign.
  • A commercial vehicle cannot park in a noncommercial neighborhood.

In addition, on streets with marked parking stalls, motorists can park only in marked stalls.

Q. I am appalled at the condition of the sidewalks on University Avenue under the freeway. Pigeons roost on the freeway structure, and the sidewalks are covered with bird droppings, feathers and sometimes dead birds. It is unsightly and may be a health hazard. The pigeons need to go and the sidewalks need to be cleaned. What government agency is responsible for doing this?

A. The H-1 Freeway and its underpasses are under the jurisdiction of the state Department of Transportation's Highway Division. Call the Road Repair and Maintenance/Complaint Hotline at 831-6714. Highways Division chief Glenn Yasuda said he didn't know for certain what the maintenance schedule is for that area, but a call to the hot line will prompt action.

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