Letters to the Editor
What are opinions of House Democrats?
Your survey of how the members of the Legislature felt about certain issues was a great public service. Too bad the House Democrats only halfheartedly participated, ignoring virtually all the questions about taxes and the budget.
The Senate Democrats did a much better job, as did the House and Senate Republicans.
Why are the House Democrats holding their cards so close to their chests? Don't they have any opinions? Are they against providing a food tax credit for the poor? That should be a no-brainer.
Patrick Wardle
Quarantine law repeal would hurt Islands
The repeal of the quarantine law would open the floodgates of pets, all of which can be deemed invasive, coming into the Islands. Some of these may be abandoned when the new residents' plans, objectives or expectations are not met.
Many people who move here don't do their homework first. They think the cost of living is correlated to wages paid. They get discouraged and return to the Mainland, oftentimes abandoning their pets.
These pets then turn feral, feeding on endemic fauna, especially feral cats upon native birds, many of which have become extinct on most islands. Adding more feral animals that would decimate already-endangered species is foolhardy, but that's exactly the plan that Republicans want us to accept under the guise of "good government."
Martin Rice
Kapa'a, Kaua'i
Ed Case presumptuous on 'centrist' advice
Am I the only one who finds it amazing that Ed Case presumes to tell Democrats that they must become more "centrist" to win elections?
Is this the same Case who lost the gubernatorial race to Mazie Hirono, albeit narrowly, and called it a "landslide" when he made it to Congress with 9 percent of the eligible voters (based on garnering 43 percent of the 22 percent who went to the polls)?
He'd do well to keep his ego in check by remembering the winning ways of legendary liberal Patsy Mink and hope for the success of our current congressional team. I don't think Sens. Inouye and Akaka or Congressman Abercrombie need any re-election advice from this novice.
Tom Peters
Dobelle's political views were unwanted
I was too polite to boo Evan Dobelle's political views.
When I got up on a Saturday morning to attend a workshop on "Sustainability," I did not expect to be bombarded with Democratic rhetoric. I didn't go to the workshop to hear Dobelle's views on Trent Lott.
Now I want the opportunity to say boo.
Bernard Keane