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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Friday, January 17, 2003

Fitness fair at Capitol aims for healthful resolutions

By Robbie Dingeman
Advertiser Health Writer

Health experts and exercise gurus will be lobbying for fitness today, trying to help political types avoid packing on the pounds as they make the laws this legislative session.

More than 80 community agencies and organizations will be offering free food, showing off the latest workout gear and dispensing information on healthful resolutions in what's billed as the first big health and fitness fair at the state Capitol.

"Traditionally, Capitol staff gains like 10 pounds each session," said Alicia Maluafiti of Kaho'omiki, Hawai'i's Council on Physical Activity. That's because the legislative session is marked by plentiful snacks, long hours and little exercise.

It's something similar to that freshman-year weight gain in college.

Organizers of "New Year, New You" designed the 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. event to demonstrate the importance of physical activity, good nutrition and other healthful lifestyle choices.

"We expect many people will get the resolution urge — a sense of renewal and rebirth, and the guilty awareness that many ate their own weight in chocolate during the holidays," Maluafiti said.

The fair will show people that they can take small steps or nontraditional exercise. "Maybe you want to try tae kwon do or tai chi, yoga or even hula," she said.

Maluafiti worries that people get too used to thinking that the way to approach their health is to find a prescription drug to make them feel better rather than changing habits to prevent disease and ailments. Making better choices can improve personal health and reduce soaring healthcare costs at the same time, she said.

Reach Robbie Dingeman at rdingeman@honoluluadvertiser.com or 535-2429.